Wendy Hennequin
Department of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy
310-C Elliot
PhD, University of Connecticut
MA, Central Connecticut State University
BS-ED, Central Connecticut State University
Professor Wendy Hennequin teaches courses in medieval literature, British literature, world literature, and composition. Her research interests include Old English language and literature, women characters in Old English and medieval texts, women warriors, and teaching with technology.
Professor Hennequin is the academic advisor for Beowulf the Event (live performances of the poem Beowulf by storytellers). The web site is here:
and the YouTube videos are here:
Selected Academic and/or Popular Press Publications
“Waltheof: the Journey from Warrior to Saint,” Scandia vol. 88, no. 2 (2022). With Elizabeth Dachowski. (link to abstract here: https://journals.lub.lu.se/scandia/article/view/24802 )
Blog: “Countess Judith of Huntington, Earl Waltheof, and Lived Religion,” (https://journals.lub.lu.se/scandia/announcement/view/180).
"Anglo-Saxon Banners and Beowulf," published in Medieval Clothing and Textiles Volume 16. (2020). https://boydellandbrewer.com/medieval-clothing-and-textiles-16.html
Dr. Hennequin was a panelist on Summer Shakespeare Online by the Nashville Shakespeare Festival: https://youtu.be/pnjTPWwiITc (2020).
“Hunferth and Incitement” (tentatitve title), accepted for an anthology on the Irish Sea Cultural Province, ed. Joseph Nagy.
“How Not to Be a Lonely Medievalist,” accepted, The Ballad of the Lone Medievalist, ed. John Sexton and Kisha Tracy.
“A Better Band of Hall Thanes: Harry Potter and the Comitatus Bond,” accepted, J.K. Rowling’s Medievalisms, ed. Carol Dover (under consideration by Palgrave / MacMillan).
“The Confining Crown of Champions: Women’s Aggressive Speech and Containment in Seinte Katerine and The Wife of Bath,” accepted by Female Aggression and Women Warriors in the Middle Ages, Ed. Tracey-Anne Cooper and Christina Senechal, to be published in Spring 2016.
"Her Own Hall: Grendel's Mother as King," accepted by Heroic Age, to be published Spring 2016.
"Teaching the Past Present: Re-Creation and Reproduction in the University Classroom," accepted by Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching.
“Beowulf in World Lit 1,” http://www.oenewsletter.org/OEN/issue/hennequin.php
“Riddle 17,” translation and commentary, http://theriddleages.wordpress.com/tag/wendy-hennequin/
Select Poems. New Crops from Old Fields: Eight Medievalists Poets, ed. Oz Hardwick, York, England: Stairwell Books, 2015. 56-69.
“Harry Potter and the Legends of Saints.” Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 25:1 (2013): 67-81.
“We’ve Created a Monster: The Strange Case of Grendel’s Mother.” English Studies 89:5 (2008): 503-23.
Selected Conference Presentations
“Why Are Women’s Voices Muted in Beowulf ?” presented at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, July 4, 2023.
Nashville Shakespeare Festival (speaker), 2022 and 2023 (both Summer and Winter productions both years).
"Reacting to the Past Consortium Workgroup on Primary Texts," Workgroup participant, Reacting to the Past Annual Institute, June 2023.
“Bringing the Sutton Hoo Inquest to Life in the Classroom,” with Elizabeth Dachowski. Southeast Medieval Association Conference, Birmingham, AL (November 12, 2022).
“The Origins of the Authenticity Police” (roundtable presentation), PCAS/ACAS, Nashville, TN, October 13, 2016.
“Graphic Novel Adaptations of Medieval Texts” (roundtable presentation), Southeastern Medieval Association Conference, Knoxville, TN, October 8, 2016.
“Unferth and the Celtic Taunting Tradition,” 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland, July 13, 2015.
“The Last Peace Weaver? Countess Judith, Earl Waltheof, and Anglo-Norman Rapprochement." co-presented with Elizabeth Dachowski from History Dept,
Southeast Medieval Association Conference, Little Rock, AR, entitled
“Teaching the Past Present: Re-Creation and Reproduction in the University Classroom,” 1st Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, St. Louis, Missouri, June 2013.
“Innovation in the Face of Adversity: Using Technology at an HBCU for Collaboration and a Personal Touch,” ROCC Summer Academy, Memphis, Tennessee, June, 2012.
“A Medievalist Teaches Writing,” NCTE, Chicago, Illinois, November, 2011.
“‘Who Received that Freight’: Beowulf Rediscovered in the Modern World,” South Atlantic MLA, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 2011.
“Justice and Gender in Yde and Olive,”46th International Medieval Congress, Western Michigan University, May, 2011.
“Harry Potter and the Legends of Saints,” South Atlantic MLA, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 2010.
“Simpleness and Duty: ‘Pyramus and Thisby,’ Devotion, and the Corpus Christi Plays,” Shakespeare Association of America, Washington, D.C., April 2009.
“Her Own Hall: Grendel’s Mother as King.” 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May 2008.
“Armed and Disarmed: Hippolyta as Amazon Queen and Perfect Wife in Chaucer and de Pizan.” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May 2007.
Selected Fellowships
NEH Seminar: "The Irish Sea Cultural Province: Crossroads of Medieval Languages and Literature," Belfast, Northern Ireland; Douglas, Isle of Man; and Glasgow, Scotland. Summer 2015.
Selected University Presentation/Talks
Creative Conference Paper, “No Feldsong for Old Men: Does ‘Deor’s Flyting’ Flyt Tradition, or by Opposing, Sustain It?” Pseudo Society (mock scholarship panel), 48th International Medieval Congress, May 11, 2012.
Invited Lecture, “God for Harry, England, and St. George: How J.K. Rowling Uses Medieval Saints’ Lives in the Harry Potter Series.” Medieval Studies Forum, Southern Indiana University, March 7, 2013.
Research Presentation, “ Harry Potter and Medieval Saints’ Lives,” Medieval and Classical Faculty Research Forum, Vanderbilt University, November 11, 2010.
Research Presentation, “Anglo-Saxon Kingship, Beowulf, and Grendel’s Mother,” Medieval and Classical Faculty Research Forum, Vanderbilt University, April 21, 2008.
Selected University Committees, Campus Groups
General Education Assessment committee
Classes Taught at TSU
Literature of Medieval England, Chaucer, History of the English Language, Shakespeare’s Tragedies, Special Topics (Harry Potter), English Novel, English Literature 1, World Literature 1, World Literature 2, Poetry and Drama, Freshman English 1, Freshman English 2
Updated April 2014
webpage contact:
Languages, Literature, and Philosophy