Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.)
Fully-accredited & State-supported
The Master of Science (M.S.) in Nursing Program is the only land-based and state-supported MSN degree program in Middle Tennessee. It is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, and received outstanding evaluation reports at the most recent accreditation review. ConcentrationsThe three concentrations offered in the MSN Program are:
Family Nurse Practitioner
Nursing Education
(On hold)
Holistic Nursing
All three concentrations are offered both as the major degree and as post-graduate certificates. Flexible SchedulingFlexible scheduling of courses is available for students, with online options for students participating in both part-time and full-time study. Completion & Employment RatesOutcome data for various aspects of student achievement is important to share with our stakeholders. The three year completion rate for the MSN program is 51%. The mean certification pass rate for Family Nurse Practitioner graduates is 100%. Tennessee State University MSN graduates are experiencing success finding jobs within the discipline. Graduates of the MSN programs have an overall employment rate of 100%. Outcome data is below:
*data not reported
What You'll Learn
How to ApplyApplications received:
Steps to Take
Notice for Graduate Student ApplicantsThe application process for the Tennessee State University (TSU) MSN program must be completed through the Nursing Centralized Application Service for Nursing Programs (NursingCAS). You will first go to School of Graduate Studies and Research to pay the graduate application fee. Then, complete a Profile page.This creates your personal enrollment on the Graduate enrollment portal. The enrollment portal includes an “apply now” tab that directs you to NursingCAS where you will set up an account and begin the MSN application process. A completed NursingCAS application AND TSU graduate application are required for admission review. NursingCAS and TSU admission applications are due on the first of each month for consideration for the upcoming semester till 30 days prior to the start of the semester. All completed NursingCAS AND TSU admission applications:
Instructions for the application submission process are provided on the School’s TSU Admissions page, NursingCAS website, and for the website at TSU School of Graduate Studies and Research. For additional information about the NursingCAS process, please visit the NursingCAS Frequently Asked Questions page. Re-application -- For Individuals who desire to resume their educational trajectory, if you have not taken classes for one Fall or Spring semester you must reapply to the Graduate School (Please see TSU School of Graduate Studies and Research). If your original graduate application is more than 12 months old (e.g., you originally applied in Fall 2014, you did not take classes in Spring 2016, you desire to resume your education in Fall 2017) you must submit a new application for readmission to the School of Nurisng in NursingCAS, inclusive of all required information (e.g., references, goal statement, etc.). Admission Requirements:
On-campus Requirements: All students will be required to report to campus for a maximum of three times during their course of study. This includes a Research Day presentation (spring semester), a Project Writing presentation (semester enrolled in final Project Writing course) and comprehensive examination (taken final semester of study). State Online Validation: If you are interested in any MSN concentration, please verify that you are in a state that permits MS Nursing online degrees from TSU. This information can be obtained from NC SARA. Out-of-State Students: Although Tennessee State University is an approved member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), some state boards of nursing or state higher education commissions have recently started imposing restrictions for offering distance education courses within their state. Currently, we are not admitting students who reside in states that prohibit distance education in Nursing from TSU. These states are the following:
It is strongly recommended that prospective students who are not Tennessee residents or plan to seek licensure or certification outside the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency prior to enrollment in this program to validate that their state board of nursing recognizes the degree. You can find additional state specific restrictions at: Required University Immunization Information: There are immunization requirements for university entry. It is imperative that you validate these immunizations. Please see information at /healthcenter/ for how to validate immunization requirements for Tennessee State University. Required Clinical Immunization Information: There are immunization requirements for clinical courses to promote patient safety. It is imperative that these immunizations be validated for clinical clearance and prior to reporting to any clinical site. These are mandates by clinical partners and can be identified relative to each clinical course. Tuition and Fee Information Tuition and fee information can be obtained from the Bursar's Office. Note: links to an estimate for specific fees related to instate and out of state cost, eRate, and other fees along with an explanation for these fees are located here as well. These can facilitate your understanding of the estimate of the educational cost. MSN Comprehensive Examination Candidates for the MSN degree are required to successfully pass a comprehensive examination covering the professional field of study. The comprehensive examination for the MS Nursing program is designed to test the student's ability to apply principles, as well as the student's skill in demonstrating safe, sound, evidence-based graduate nursing concentration capabilities. All students must successfully complete a comprehensive examination as required by the Graduate School. The examination will consist of a proctored examination for each concentration area.
Advising and Graduation Students are required to meet with their advisors each semester prior to enrollment in courses for subsequent semesters. This meeting can occur in the form of a phone call, email or in-person. This will facilitate completion of required forms such as the Program of Study and Advancement to Candidacy (can be accessed from /graduate/forms.aspx) form which is to be submitted between 9 and 12 hours of study and the Application for Graduation in a timely manner. It is the students responsibility to make this contact and ensure they are knowledgeable regarding all policies related to their program of study, progression and graduation. Students are required to apply for graduation during their final program semester. The application and other information can be obtained from the Graduate Studies website. Degrees cannot be retroactively conferred. Technology Requirements and Resources
TSU Technology Helpdesk - 615-963-7777 | website
For More InformationDr. Shaquita Bonds, MSN Program Director |
Helpful AidsSARA - State Reciprocity Agreements for online eligibility to attend
MSN Research Day 2023