Faculty Focus Academic and Career Pathways
Careers in the Curriculum - Contact ACPP
Students turn to faculty for career readiness, advice - eCampus News
Ways ACPP can Engage Faculty (Metsker, 2023) - Edited Career Everywhere Newsletter
1. Faculty Career Champion Program (Openings available)
2. Review tnstate.edu/acpp ( Resources and Tools available for Faculty to intregate into the Sylllabus Members)
3. ACPP can make presentations about the resources and or arrange to have an industry leader attend your classroom
4. ACPP can helpyou embed career exploration assignments into the Curriculum
Academic Career Pathways and Partnerships is seeking Faculty Co-Champions interested in moving career readiness core competencies into the curriculum.
- Join Us in Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce!
- Calling All Faculty Leaders: Academic Career Pathways and Partnerships is on a mission to integrate career readiness core competencies into the curriculum. Are you passionate about preparing students for success in their future careers?
- Become a Faculty Co-Champion: We're seeking dedicated faculty members who are eager to collaborate and innovate. As a co-champion, you'll play a pivotal role in shaping the academic landscape and empowering students with essential skills.
- Why Join Us?: By championing career readiness initiatives, you'll have the opportunity to enhance the educational experience, foster industry partnerships, and equip students with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive job market.
- Let's Make a Difference Together: Together, we can transform higher education and empower students to reach their full potential.
Ready to take the first step? Reach out to us today to learn more about becoming a Faculty Co-Champion!
Contact our office to learn more about "Embedding Careers in the Curriculum: acpp@tnstate.edu
Elearn currently has career exploration resources already available for immediate use in the curriculum.
Example of Faculty Co-Champion embedding "Careers in the Curriculum": https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/YDw_frFYAeD_wmXZva3LETqYwP51vUgEJfnl39cfDsQUeeWRJpF7PzIQ2jO4xFrp.ZO-tMSlS7Tio56iP?startTime=1704998112000
To schedule a visit from our Academic Career Pathways and Partnerships Team - Please complete the link: https://form.jotform.com/241364212511140
Current Available Resources: CareerSpots, TrueMotivate, Handshake, Focus2, What Can I do With This Major?