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BADAMDORJ, DORJSUREN  Physics and Math  Associate Professor    615-963-2505 
BAGEWADI, BASU  Extension Services State Allotment  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 
BAGHAI, BEHROUZ  TSU Police Dept  Police Lieutenant    615-963-5171 
BAGLEY, WONJEN  Social Work  Assistant Professor    615-963-7667 
BAILEY, PHILLIP  Events Management  Building Activities Attendant    615-963-2120 
BAILEY, TASHAUNDRA  Speech Pathology  Externship Coordinator    615-963-7339 
BAKER, DAVID  Business Admin  Professor    615-963-7123 
BAKER, GENNALEE  Occupational Therapy  Administrative Assistant IV    615-963-5891 
BAKER, MAR'DAN  Lang and Literature and Phil  Administrative Assistant III    615-963-5641 
BAKER, TIFFANY  Foundation and Fiscal Operations  Director Of Fdn. Scholarships    615-963-1880 
BALAKRISHNAN NAIR, BINU KUMAR  Information Technology  Help Desk Technician    615-963-7651 
BALLARD DE RUIZ, ALETA  Art  Associate Professor    615-963-5623 
BANERJEE, DIPTESH  TSU Ag and Envir Research  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
BANKHEAD, LATOYA  Title III Institutional Support  Grants & Contracts Specialist    615-963-7153 
BANKS, SAMANTHA  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Extension Agent-Bedford County    615-963-7561 
BARAK, ANALYN  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Assistant Coordinator    615-277-1694 
BARKLEY, JESSICA  COE Information System Restricted  Electronic Records Manager    Unknown 
BARKSDALE, TRENA  Business Admin Restricted  Director-Business Supply Chain Management    615-963-7136 
BARNES, LYNNETTE  Criminal Justice  Professor    615-963-5589 
BARNETT, AKELA  Early Learning Ctr  Director    615-963-5591 
BARNETT, TIFFANY  Nursing Education  Associate Professor    615-963-5268 
BARNHILL, TAMARA  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Program Director    615-277-1660 
BARREDO, RONALD  Physical Therapy  Dean Hlth Sciences    615-963-4927 
BARRIOS, KAITLIN  Extension Services Restricted  Area Specialist; Nursery Crops    615-963-2021 
BARTON, JENNIFER  Instructional Support Restricted  Program Coordinator/Success Co    615-963-6004 
BARWICK, COREY  History, Geography, & Political Sci  Assistant Professor    615-963-5471 
BASHAM, JOSHUA  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Temporary Help Non Exempt    931-815-5151 
BASS, ELEANOR  Admissions  Assistant To    615-963-5962 
BASSETT, KENDRA  Graduate Assistants  Graduate Assistant-Management    Unknown 
BATES, ZORA  Dean of Education  Coordinator    615-963-2193 
BATTISTE, GWENDOLYN  Dental Hygiene  Assistant Professor    615-963-5843 
BATTS, BRENDA  Cardio-Resp Care Sci  Program Director /Assistant Professor    615-963-1240 
BAYSAL-GUREL, FULYA  Mcminnville Nursery Crop Rsh Sta  Associate Dean, Research College of Agriculture    615-963-1351 
BEAN, ANDRE  Assoc VP Student Svc  Student Success Specialist-Academic    615-963-7588 
BEANE, CARLOS  Aviation and Applied Technologies  Assistant Professor    615-963-5368 
BEARD, LAUREN  Occupational Therapy  Assistant Professor (tenured)    615-963-5955 
BECERRA, VINCENTE  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Temporary Help Non Exempt    615-963-2146 
BEEZER, DAIN  Admissions  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 
BEKELE, GASHAWBEZA  History, Geography, & Political Sci  Professor    615-963-5499 
BELL, BEVERLY  Student Success  Administrative Assistant IV    615-963-5531 
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