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JACKSON, CHENCHUTTA  Computer Science  Professor    615-963-5878 
JACKSON, COREEN  Honors College  Dean Of The Honors College    615-963-5802 
JACKSON, ERIC  Liberal Arts Part-Time Faculty  Assistant Professor    615-963-2036 
JACKSON, GLENNDELL  TSU Police Dept  Communications Coordinator    615-963-5170 
JACKSON, JANE  Accounting and Law  Associate Professor    615-963- 
JACKSON, LATONIA  Phd Public Admin  Administrative Assistant III    615-963-7241 
JACKSON, LISA  COE Learning Sciences Restricted  Coordinator    615-277-1683 
JACKSON, MONTEL  TSU Police Dept  Police Officer II Corporal    615-963-5373 
JACKSON, NYJHA  Admissions  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 
JACKSON, THOMAS  TSU Police Dept  Police Commander    615-963-1469 
JACKSON, WHITNEY  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent II -Bledsoe Co    931-484-6743 
JACKSON, WILLIAM  Athletics  Assistant Athletic Trainer    615-963-5000 
JACKSON PROSPERO, VICMARI  Women's Volleyball  Assistant Coach 1    615-963-1361 
JACOB, CHRISTINA  Agricultural Science - Dean Rest  Graphic Designer    615-963-2575 
JAD ALLAH, AHMAD  Computer Science Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
JAMES, DORSHA  Health Services  Medical Director    Unknown 
JARA, PATRICIO  Physics and Math  Associate Professor    615-963-5860 
JAWARIYA, KHWAHISH  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
JEFFERSON, ANGIE  Instructional Support  Learning Support Staff-Writing    615-963-5565 
JEFFRIES, SHANNON  Biology Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
JENKINS, HEATHER  Women's Track  Temporary Help Non-Exempt    Unknown 
JENKINS, LARRY  Music  Assistant Professor    615-963-5341 
JENKINS, NICOLE  Speech Pathology Restricted  Clinical Supervisor    615-963-7072 
JENNETTE, TRACY  Office of Technology Services  Banner Consultant/Trainer    615-963-7680 
JENNINGS, CHRISTINA  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    615-963-5000 
JENNINGS, KARIYA  Title III Academic Support Restrict  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
JERMAKOWICZ, EVA  Accounting and Law  Professor/Dir Research and Fac Dev    615-963-7052 
JIMENEZ-CANO, JORGE  Communications  Temp Instruction    615-963-5741 
JOHAR, OMESH  Psychological Sciences and Counseli  Assistant Professor    615-963-5141 
JOHNSON, ALFRED  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Post Doc Researcher    931-815-5175 
JOHNSON, ANDRANNA  Procurement  Senior Office Assistant    615-963-5181 
JOHNSON, CARLYLE  Art  Professor    615-963-5921 
JOHNSON, CHERYL  Extension Services Restricted  Program Assistant    615-963-4888 
JOHNSON, COURTNEY  Art  Director    615-963-5921 
JOHNSON, ELIZABETH  Library  Assistant Director    615-963-5213 
JOHNSON, IRIS  Speech Pathology  Professor - Speech Pathology    615-963-7030 
JOHNSON, JASMINE  Nursing Education  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 
JOHNSON, KIMBERLY  Communications  Professor    615-963-2522 
JOHNSON, LATOYA  Teaching and Learning  Assistant Professor    615-963-1346 
JOHNSON, LAWANDA  General Accounting  Interim Exec Director of Foundation    615-963-7978 
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