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GADSDEN, CYNTHIA  Liberal Arts Part-Time Faculty  Associate Professor    615-963-7508 
GAINES, KAY  WRITE  Administrative Assistant III    615-963-4999 
GAINES, STEPHANIE  Band  Office Manager    615-963-5350 
GALIB, MOHAMMAD  Business Admin  Professor    615-963-7379 
GALVIN, RICKEY  Football  Wide Receivers Coach    615-963-5034 
GAMAGE, LAHIRU  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Post Doctoral Researcher    Unknown 
GANESAN, KOTHANDARAMAN  Physics and Math  Associate Professor    615-963-5862 
GARDINER, ANDREA  Architectural Engr  Assistant Professor    615-963-5428 
GARDNER-JONES, CARLA  Biological Sciences  Associate Professor    615-963-1837 
GARGUS, KARLA  Extension Services Restricted  Exten Agent III/ Montgomery Co    931-648-5725 
GARVIN JR, RICHARD  Psychological Sciences and Counseli  Assistant Professor    615-963-5000 
GASH, SHELBY  Graduate Assistants  Graduate Assistant-Teaching    Unknown 
GE, HEHUA  Research & Sponsored Programs Rest  Temporary Help Non Exempt    Unknown 
GE, XUEMEI  Library  Associate Professor    615-963-5237 
GEAN, TINA  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Admin Assist II/ Lawrence Cty    615-963-5526 
GEORGE, CYNTHIA  Social Work  Assistant Professor    615-963-7641 
GEORGE JR, EDWARD  Football  Head Football Coach    615-963-5000 
GERMANY, CARMEN  Nursing Education  Associate Professor    615-963-2129 
GHANEM, FATIMA  Engineering Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    615-963-2054 
GHIMIRE, NIRAJ  Extension Services Restricted  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
GHIMIRE, SUJAN  TSU Ag and Envir Research  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
GHOSH, DIYA  Dental Hygiene  Senior Office Assistant    615-963-5791 
GHOSH, SAGNIKA  Electrical Engr  Assistant Professor    615-963-5362 
GHOSH, SOUMENDRA  Economics and Finance  Professor    615-963-7172 
GIBBONS, DAMARIS  Trio Programs Restricted  Unit Academic Advisor    615-963-7464 
GIBSON, TERRIE  Speech Pathology  Associate Professor    615-963-7095 
GILBERT, JENNIFER  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent-Claiborne Cty    615-963-5000 
GILLIAM MASHACK, TIFFANY  Instructional Support Restricted  Program Coordinator/ Coach    615-963-2035 
GILLILAND, PENELOPE  College of Education Fee  Temporary Help Non Exempt    Unknown 
GISHE, JEMAL  Master of Science in Public Health  Associate Professor (F9)    615-963-7046 
GITHUA, SUSAN  Title III Academic Support Restrict  Project Coordinator    615-963-6921 
GODWIN, DENISE  Extension Services Restricted  Administrative Assistant II    615-963-6657 
GOERTZ, MARY ANNE  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Admin Assistant II Hardeman Co    731-658-2421 
GOIST, ASHLEY  Athletic Trainer  Assoc Head Athletic Trainer    615-963-5034 
GOLMAN, BRIDGETT  VP Student Affairs  Interin VP Student Affairs    615-963-5643 
GOMES, SHANE  Lang and Literature and Phil  Assistant Professor    615-963-5000 
GONZALEZ, ANTHONY  Library  Library Systems Manager    615-963-1353 
GOOCH, ROYETTA  TSU Police Dept  Administrative Assistant III    Unknown 
GOOCH, ZANETTA  President's Office  Senior Office Assistant    615-963-7401 
GOODMAN, CHASITIE  Liberal Arts Part-Time Faculty  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 
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