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PACE-NEWBERN, MARIDA  Health Sciences Part-Time Faculty  Associate Professor    615-963-5272 
PADGETT, DAVID  History, Geography, & Political Sci  Associate Professor    615-963-5508 
PAINTER, ROGER  Civil and Envir Eng  Professor    615-963-5388 
PANDEY, AVIYAN  TSU Ag and Envir Research  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
PANDYA, PARTH DINESHBHAI  Graduate Assistants  Graduate Assistant-Teaching    Unknown 
PARKER, APRIL  Library  Student Success and Outreach L    615-963-5212 
PARKS, KENNEDI  Title III Instructional  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
PARKS, STINSON  TSU Ag and Envir Research  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
PARMAR, RAJNI  Extension Services Restricted  Post Doctoral Fellow    615-963-7561 
PARR, KALLI  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Extension Agent - Dyer County    Unknown 
PARR, YALANDA  New Residence Facility  Executive Director-Housing    615-963-2033 
PARRISH, LISA  Library  Digitization Project Assistant/Circulation Assistant    615-963-5238 
PARTHASARATHY, RANGANATHAN  Civil and Envir Eng  Assistant Professor    615-963-6910 
PARTRIDGE, TRAVIS  Football  Assistant Coach 1    615-963-5034 
PATRAS, ANKIT  Agricultural Science - Dean Rest  Research Assistant Professor    615-963-6007 
PATRICIO, KEICEY  Aerospace Studies  Temporary Help Exempt    Unknown 
PATRICK, ANDREW  History, Geography, & Political Sci  Associate Professor    615-963-5742 
PATTERSON, BELINDA  Nursing Education  Office Manager    615-963-5253 
PATTERSON, LABARON  Biological Sciences  Temporary Instruction-One Year    Unknown 
PATTERSON, ROLAND  Instructional Support  Instr'l Support Staff-Eng/Read    615-963-5575 
PATTERSON-ARMSTRONG, LEEANNA  Eppse Hall  Coordinator of Housing (PT)    Unknown 
PAYNE, MAIA  Title III Instructional  Graduate Assistant - Research    Unknown 
PAYNE, WANDA  Physics and Math  Associate Professor    615-963-5816 
PELHAM, DILLON  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Temporary Lab Technician    Unknown 
PENDYALA, BRAHMAIAH  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Assistant Professor    Unknown 
PENNINGTON, DESTINY  Research & Sponsored Programs Rest  Temporary (Coordinator)    615-963-5530 
PEPPLER, MARK  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent - Bradley Co    Unknown 
PERKINS, DONALD  Instructional Support Restricted  Program Coordinator    615-963-6338 
PERRY, ANDRAE  Title III Academic Support Restrict  Academic Advisor    Unknown 
PERRY, ROMONA  Electrical Engr  Administrative Assistant IV    615-963-5381 
PETERS, SHARON  Sociology  Instructor    615-963-2146 
PETRIE, LANA  Ag. Sciences and Engr Restricted  Project Coordinator/Assistant Project Director    CB9-637-561 
PETRONZIO, CIARA  Office of the General Counsel  Contract Administrator    615-963-7924 
PHAMBU, NSOKI  Chemistry  Professor    615-963-5335 
PHILLIPS, CHASITY  Extension Services Restricted  Extension Agent II/ Rhea Cty    Unknown 
PHILLIPS, ELAINE  Lang and Literature and Phil  Associate Professor    615-963-5723 
PHIPPS, MAKAYLA  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Extension Agent Washnigton Cou    615-963-7561 
PINKARD, MICHELLE  Lang and Literature and Phil  Department Chair    615-963-5715 
PIRTLE, JULIAN  Instructional Support  Director of Academic Coaching    615-963-2099 
PITCHAY, DHARMALINGAM  Extension Services - Dean Rest  Director; Agr Res and Edu Ctr    615-963-4890 
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