Bits & Bytes From Students
Recent CS Grads attending Grad School:
Daniel Holt: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute NY Leroy Bailey: Michigan State University
Faculty Publications
W. Chen, J. Uchida, A.K.M. Muzahidul Islam Y. Katayama, Jiro Uchida, K. Wada, “Construction and Maintenance of A Novel Cluster-based Architecture for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks,” Journal of Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, Accepted, 2006.
W. Chen, A.K.M. Muzahidul Islam, M. Malkani, A. Shirkhodaie, K. Wada, M. Zein-Sabatto, “An Efficient Broadcast/Multicast Protocol for Dynamic Sensor Networks,” Workshop on Advances on Parallel and Distributed Processing in 21st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, accepted, 2007.
M.A.K.M. Islam, W. Chen, K. Wada, “Routing Protocol on a Novel Cluster-based Architecture for Dynamic Ad Hoc Radio Networks”, Proceedings of 5th International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium, accepted, 2006.
A.K.M. Muzahidul Islam, Y. Katayama, W. Chen, W. Wada, “A novel cluster-based architecture and routing protocols for dynamic ad-hoc radio networks,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, IEB, Bangladesh, accepted, 2007.
Letters from Students
Hi Dr. Chen,
I hope you are doing well. I thought you would find the below article both interesting and enjoying. A woman at IBM has been honored with the Turing Award. My very first memory of a Turing Machine was in your class....I will never forget that class :-)
Thank you and have a great day! Naomi Guerrero IBM Rational Support Engineer IBM Rational Software
Dr. Gamshad: As we presented our final projects in COMP3030 this morning I was struck with the reality of another semester coming to a close at TSU. I would be remiss if I allowed this semester to draw to a conclusion without expressing my appreciation for Mr. Miao and the information he has shared with us over the past several months. As you are aware, I have taken numerous programming classes taught from a console application approach, and I understand the reasoning for introducing programming in this manner. Still, in a world of Windows based applications I have always felt that I had missed a piece somewhere. Mr. Miao succeeded in supplying a large portion of that missing piece in one of the most interesting classes I have ever experienced. Undaunted at having only six students in the class, Mr. Miao demonstrated his professionalism and complete knowledge of the subject throughout the semester. I cannot imagine how any Computer Science major could feel that their educational experience was complete without taking this course. Again, I just wanted to express my appreciation for you offering classes such as COMP3030 and for faculty members such as Mr. Miao. I look forward to seeing you when it is time to sign up for classes this fall.
-Sincerely, Richard Pollock
From an European Exchange Student: Dr. Gamshadi :Thanks for the classes. I had a lot of fun. May you ever come to Amesterdam (or the Netherlands), please get in contact with me.
-Jort Snijders