Retelling Rubrics
Tutor says: Start at the beginning and tell me what happened in this story:
Please note it doesn’t have to be in the exact words.
Highlight the boxes included in the child’s retelling.
Total the points at the botto
Fiction |
Nonfiction |
Beginning |
Middle |
End |
Beginning |
Middle |
End |
(2 pt.) Gives accurate information in sequence using rich detail
(2 pt.) Discusses similarities or connections to other text, events, experiences |
(1 pt.) Describes the conclusions
(1pt.) States or infers place and/or time. |
(1pt.) Recalls major events |
(1pt.) Describes or implies resolution of problem |
(1 pt.) Describes the main topic
(1 pt.) Clearly describes the theme and author’s purpose |
(1 pt.) Requires limited prompting for the retelling |
(1pt.) Describes main character |
(1pt.) Recalls story in logical sequence |
(1pt.) Retelling has sense of fluency/flow |
(1 pt.) Describes some important ideas using key vocabulary
(1 pt.) Used pictures to predict topic, key ideas, important details |
(1pt.) Names or implies problem |
(1pt.) Elaborates major events with relevant details |
(1pt.) Sounds like the beginning of a story |
(1pt.) Text-reader interaction evident through personal connections |
Total Score____/10 Total Score____/10
What did you learn from reading this book? What else did you learn about ______ as you were reading this book?
Did you like this book? Why or why not?
Why do you think the author wrote this book?