A Welcome Message from the Dean of Libraries and Media Center
Last updated: 8/21/2024
The TSU Libraries and Media Center are available to meet the research needs of the faculty, staff, and students. Our mission is to support the curriculum taught at the university. We strive to provide current services and resources that facilitate and enhance the teaching and learning process.
The Martha Brown- Lois Daniel Library on the main campus houses nearly 200,000 print books and provides access to 395,000 eBooks. Our discovery platform delivers integrated access to books, periodicals, streaming videos, government documents, and content from our institutional repository. Every academic major has a research guide specific to the topics in their discipline. We provide access to over 300 databases and thousands of ejournals.
There are over eighty Lenovo computer workstations available throughout the three floors. The second floor features the MakerSpace and the Multimedia Learning Commons, with eight iMacs. The MakerSpace offers workshops on laser etching, comic book creation, mobile game design, videography, cartoon animation, 3D printing, and other topics throughout the semester.
There are scanners and color printers for student use. The seven study rooms or “huddle spaces” have video monitors for collaborative projects. They are very popular and available by reservation only. The Access Services Department has Chromebooks, scientific calculators, iPads, and headsets available for lending. This is where you will find class-required textbooks and resources placed on “Reserve” by faculty.
The Avon Williams Library serves the College of Business, the College of Public Service, the Graduate School, and the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department, as well as some health sciences programs. It is located on the lower level and has over twenty computer workstations, including an iMac, and a color printer, along with three study rooms. During Fall 2024, three study pods, a Laptop Bar and two solo hubs will be available in the library’s Alcove.
Each library has areas for de-stressing which offer puzzles, coloring activities, and self-expression opportunities.
The Media Center features services such as assistance with podcasting, streaming videos, and classroom instructional media equipment.
If we can be of any assistance with research and instruction, please let us know!
Glenda M. Alvin, MSLS, MADean of Libraries and Media Center