Dr. Phil Ganter

Department of Biological Sciences
College of Life & Physical Sciences
Contact Information
Office: 301 Harned Hall
Phone: 615-984-5782
Email: pganter@tnstate.edu
Research Interest
The evolution and ecology of natural yeast communities; mutualism among yeast, insects and hosts
Refereed Journals: 25
Book Chapters: 3
Presentations: 22
Ganter, P. F. 2011. Cactophilic yeast: everything is not everywhere. In: Fontaneto, D., editor. Biogeography of microorganisms. Is Everything Small Everywhere? Systematics Association Special Volumes Series 79. Cambridge University Press. pp. 130-174.
Ganter, P. F., G. Cardinali, and K. Boundy-Mills. 2010. Pichia insulana, an new cactophilic yeast from Curaçao. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60: 1001-1007.
de Barros Lopes, M. and P. F. Ganter. 2006. The cactus-yeast community. In: A.K. Sharma and A. Sharma, editors. Plant Genome: Biodiversity and Evolution, Vol. 2B: Lower Groups. Science Publishers from New Hampshire. pp 459-479.
Ganter, P. F. 2006. Yeast and invertebrate associations. In Rosa, C. A. and Gabor, P. Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Yeasts. pp. 303-370. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg. pp 303-370.
Ganter, P. F., G. Cardinali, M. Giammaria, B. Quarles. 2004. Correlations among measures of phenotypic and genetic variation within an oligotrophic asexual yeast, Candida sonorensis, collected from Opuntia. FEMS Yeast Research 4:527-540
BIOL 1110, BIOL 1120 Introduction to Biology
BIOL 3310 Biostatistics
BIOL 4120 Ecology
BIOL 4160 Evolution
BIOL 4320 Field Botany
BIOL 5130 Graduate Evolution Seminar
BIOL 5190 Graduate Ecology Seminar
AA (Liberal Arts) 1971 Atlantic Community College
BS (Science Education) 1973 Rowan University
Ph. D. (Ecology) 1981 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Date joined staff: 1992
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