Dr. Carla Gardner-Jones

Assistant Professor

Meharry BS/MD Program Site Coordinator

Dr. Carla Gardner-Jones picture

Department of Biological Sciences
College of Life & Physical Sciences

Contact Information:
Office Location: 112F McCord Hall
Telephone: 615-963-1837
Fax: 615-963-7640
Email: cgardner@tnstate.edu



B.A. (Biology) – Fisk University
M.S. (Biology) – Tennessee State University
Ph.D. (Physiology) – Meharry Medical College
Post-Doc - (Pediatric Cardiology)-Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Research Areas: Cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance

Most Significant Publications

Exil, V.J., Gardner, C.D., Rottman, J.N., Sims, H. Bartelds, B., Khuchua, A., Sindhal, R., Ni., G., and Strauss, A.W. Abnormal mitochondrial bioenergetics and heart rate dysfunction in mice lacking very-long-chain acyl-coA dehydrogenase. Am J PHysiol Heart Circ Pysiol 290: H1289-1297, 2006.

Gardner, C.D., Eguchi, S., Reynolds, C.M., Eguchi, K., Frank, G.E., and Motley, E.D. Hydrogen peroxide inhibits insulin-induced Akt/protein kinase B activation in vascular smooth muscle cells. Exp Biol Med 228: 836-842, 2003.

Motley, E.D., Kabir, S.M., Eguchi, K., Hicks, A.L., Gardner, C.D., Reynolds, C.M., Grank, G.D. and Eguchi, S. Protein kinase C inhibits insulin-induced Akt activation in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cell Mol Biol 47: 1059-1062, 2001. 

Gardner-Jones, C.D. (2009, 2021). Cell and Molecular Biology: A Custom Lab Manual for Tennessee State University (BIOL2111).

BIOL1010      Introduction to Biology I
BIOL1011      Introduction to Biology I lab
BIOL1020      Introduction to Biology II
BIOL1021      Introduction to Biology II lab
BIOL1121      General Biology I lab
BIOL1121      General Biology II lab
BIOL2210      Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL2220      Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL5070      Methods of Teaching Science
BIOL2110      Cell Biology
BIOL2111      Cell Biology Lab