Lin Li

Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Interim Dean of College of Engineering

Dr. Lin Li is Professor and Interim Dean of College of Engineering at Tennessee State University.  He got his PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2004. He has been assistant, associate, and full professor of civil engineering in Jackson State University from 2005 to 2018. He teaches geotechnical engineering courses, including foundation engineering, unsaturated soil mechanics, geoenvironmental engineering, advanced soil mechanics, and soil dynamics. His expertise is in innovative levee testing and protection, bio-mediated ground improvement, sustainable infrastructure and geo-environmental area. He has been principal investigator or co-principal investigator of more than 26 major research grants from federal and state agencies with total funding amounts of $7 Million, including National Science Foundation, Department of Homeland Security, US Army Corps of Engineer, US Department of Transportation, Tennessee Board of Regents, Recycled Materials Resource Center under Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Multimodal Transportation under Federal Transit Administration, mostly in the area of geotechnical engineering. Dr. Li is the author or co-author of 2 books, 4 book chapters and 134 peer-reviewed published articles with h-index of 20 and i10-index of 33 . With funding support from DHS, Dr. Li’s research focuses on levee protection during the Hurricane overtopping. He has published one book and 30 scientific papers about innovative levee strengthening and testing under full scale overtopping conditions. With funding support from NSF, Dr. Li’s research on bio-mediated ground improvement leads to more than 39 SCI-index journal articles. He got HEADWAE Award in 2017, Faculty Excellence Award Richard from JSU in 2014 and 2015, High Grant Award Winner Award in 2017, Richard S. Ladd D18 Standards Development Award from ASTM for his effort in ASTM D7762 development. He is vice chair of TRB AKG30 committee, chair of ASTM D18.14 committee, and member of ASCE geoenvironmental and erosion technical committees. He is editorial board member of Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, and Journal of ASTM International.

   Dr. Li

Office: 230 Torrence Hall
Phone: 615-963-5401


  • PhD., Civil Engineering, 2004, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • MS, Civil Engineering, 1994, Zhongshan University
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, 1991, Zhongshan University


  • Professor and Interim Dean: Tennessee State University, January 2021-Present
  • Professor and Department Head: Tennessee State University, September 2018-December 2022
  • Professor: Jackson State University, August 2017- August 2018
  • Associate Professor: Jackson State University, August 2011-July 2017
  • Assistant Professor: Jackson State University, August 2005-July 2010
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate: University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2004-July 2005
  • Research Assistant: University of Wisconsin-Madison, January 1999-May 2004


  • Registered Professional Engineer in Wisconsin, Mississippi, Tennessee
  • Member of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
  • Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Member of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
  • University Representative of United States Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research (USUCGER)


  • Geotechnical Engineering for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure: Innovative Materials and Design for Environmental Sustainability, Levee Strengthening and Protection, Recycling Infrastructure Materials, Infrastructure Resilience to Disasters
  • Bio-inspired Soil Modification: Microbial-Induced Carbonate Precipitation, Bio-beams/bio-bricks
  • Geoenvironmental Engineering: Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport, Waste Utilities Design, Soil Remediation, Reactive Transport Modeling



Course Number

Course Name



Foundation Engineering



Soil Mechanics



Soil Mechanics Lab



Mechanics of Materials






Freshman Engineering Seminar




Course Number

Course Name



Ground Water & Seepage



Advanced Foundation Engineering



Applied Soil Mechanics



Unsaturated Soil Mechanics



Soil Dynamics



Geoenvironmental Engineering




  1. Principal Investigator Development of Mining Engineering Education Curriculum at Tennessee State University to Prepare a Workforce for Critical Mineral Production, $800,000, US Department of Energy (DOE), 2024-2027.
  2. Principal Investigator Energy Exploration Camp at Tennessee State University: Illuminating Clean Energy Education for Underrepresented Local High School Students in the Nashville Metro Areas, $50,000, US Department of Energy (DOE), 2024-2024.
  3. Principal Investigator, 2023 Architectural and Engineering Grant, $30,000, Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance, 2024-2024.
  4. Principal Investigator Partnering to Improve in the Fusion Workforce, $308,990, US Department of Energy (DOE), 2023-2026.
  5. Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Armwood, C, McCurry, C., McMurray, N.), Implementation Project: Enhancement of CUREs-based Curriculum and Immersive Engineering Studio to Enhance Engineering Education and Retention of Underrepresented Engineers at TSU, $2,250,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2023-2028.
  6. Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Liu, S.), Development of Rechargeable Cement-based Battery to Store Energy in Building Structure, $300,000, US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 2021-2024.
  7. Principal Investigator, 2023 Architectural and Engineering Grant, $29,495, Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance, 2023-2023.
  8. Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Parthasarathy, R., McMurray, N, Yin, J.), STEM: Promoting Recruitment and Retention of Minority Transfer Students in Science & Engineering (PROMISE) Program through STEM Scholarships, $1,000,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2021-2026.
  9. Principal Investigator, Waste Management of Solid Waste Reuse, $50,000, Waste Management Company, 2022-2025.
  10. Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Painter, R., Sharpe, L, Wu, Y., Addesso, K.), MRI: Acquisition of a LC-MS/MS for Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies and Training at Tennessee State University, $140,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2020-2023.
  11. Principal Investigator, Administration of the Minority Engineering Scholarship, $130,000, The State of Tennessee, Tennessee Student Associate Corporation, 2021-2022.
  12. Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Painter, R., Sharpe, L.), Excellent in Research Project: Collaborative Research: Fate and Transport of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Environment, $434,618, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2019-2023.
  13. Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Williams, F., Co-PIs: Mu, R., Zhou, S., Wu, Y.), HBCU-RISE: Enhancement of Research Infrastructure for Advanced Functional Materials for Biotechnology Applications, $1,000,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2019-2023.
  14. Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Wu, W.), Implementing Undergraduate Research Projects in STEM Education to Enhance Student Engagement and Close Retention Gap, $49,280,000, Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), 2020-2021.
  15. Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Hydrogel–stabilized Expansive Soils in Mississippi for Sustainable Maritime Infrastructure Design; $50,000, US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC), 2019-2020.
  16. Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Amini, F., Co-PIs: Yin, J., Walters, W.), Experimenting with an Augmented Reality Facilitated Instructional Model to Enhance STEM Education, $350,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2018-2021.
  17. Principal Investigator, National Summer Transportation Institute, $62,000, FHWA and Mississippi DOT, 2017-2018.
  18. Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Yin, J., Amini, F., Kwembe, T.), Investigating the Effect of Active Flipped Learning in STEM Education, $350,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2016-2019.
  19. Principal Investigator, National Summer Transportation Institute, $62,000, FHWA and Mississippi DOT, 2016-2017.
  20. Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Amini, F., Hamme, A., Walters, W.), MRI: Acquisition of a Multi-Bean SEM/FIB for Multidisciplinary Materials Study and Training, $800,014, NSF, 2015-2018.
  21. Principal Investigator, National Summer Transportation Institute, $58,500, FHWA and Mississippi DOT, 2015-2016.
  22. Principal Investigator, National Summer Transportation Institute, $58,500, FHWA and Mississippi DOT, 2014-2015.
  23. Principal Investigator, National Summer Transportation Institute, $58,447, FHWA and Mississippi DOT, 2013-2014.
  24. Co- Principal Investigator (PI: Li, Y.), MRI: Acquisition of an ICP-OES for Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies and Training, $245,877, NSF, 2010-2013.
  25. Co- Principal Investigator (PI: Amini, F.), High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat Strengthened Levee under Combined Wave and Storm Surge Turbulent Overtopping Conditions, $450,000, US Department of Homeland Security, 2011-2013.
  26. Co- Principal Investigator (PI: Amini, F.), Innovative Levee Strengthening and Testing under Full Scale Overtopping Conditions, $1,000,000, US Department of Homeland Security, 2009-2011.
  27. Co- Principal Investigator (PI: Wang, F.), Assessment of Critical Transportation Infrastructure, $712,500, US Department of Transportation, 2010-2012.
  28. Principal Investigator, Using WiscLEACH to Estimate Groundwater Impacts from Coal Combustion Products in Structural Fills, $66,118, FHWA Recycled Materials Resource Center, 2010-2011.
  29. Principal Investigator, Using WiscLEACH to Estimate Groundwater Impacts from Coal Combustion Products in Highway Construction, $29,533, FHWA Recycled Materials Resource Center, 2008-2009.
  30. Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Amini, F.), Lake Chicot Visitor Center Display, $12,425, S. Army Corps of Engineer, 2007-2008.

Total Funding Amount = $12,050,000.00


(*: student supervised; underline: corresponding author; IF: 5-Year impact factor. The h-index is 20, and The i10-index is 33 by Google Scholar)

  1. Lu, S., Liu, S., Yin, L., Yan, C., Yin, D., Liu, S., Li, L., and Wang, H. 2024, Evolution Characteristics of ECC Pore Structure and its Correlation with Tensile Property under Simulated Vehicle Vibration at an Early Age, Journal of Materials Science, 10.1007/s10853-023-09222-8.
  2. Yan, J., Armwood-Gordon, C., and Li, L. 2023, Assessing the Impact of State Funding on Higher Education in the United States: Trends, Allocation, and Implications, International Journal of Research Publications, 139(1), 204-209; doi:.10. 47119/IJRP 10013911220235822 .
  3. Lu, X., Bu, C, Li, Y., Liu, S., and Li, L. 2023, The Progress and Trend of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) Research: a Bibliometric Analysis, Environmental Earth Sciences, accepted for publication, in print.
  4. Yan, J., Liu, S., Armwood-Gordon, C., and Li, L. 2023, Factors Affecting Active Flipped Learning on Underrepresented students in Three STEM Courses, Education and Information Technologies, 10.1007/s10639-023-12234-1.
  5. Painter, R., Parthasarathy, R., Li, L., Embry, I., Sharpe, L., Hargrove, S. 2023, A Deep Neural Network Regression of the Cahn-Hilliard Single-Particle Thermal Model for LiFePO4 Batteries, Preprints, doi:10.20944/preprints202306.0283.v1.
  6. Yin, L., Bai, R., Liu, S., Yan, C., Zhou, J., Lu, Li, and Li, L. 2023, Freeze-thaw Damage Assessment of Engineered Cementitious Composites using the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Method, Materials & Design, 230, 111965.
  7. Zhang, J.*, Su, P*, and Li, L. 2023, Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation Modified Steel Slag: Mechanical Improvement and Erosion Resistance to Sulfate Attack, Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=11.1), 405, 136982.
  8. Shao, W., He, L., Shi, D., and Li, L. 2023, Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Deteriorating Pile Foundations Subject to Marine Chloride-induced Corrosion, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, .
  9. Liu, S.*, Du, K*, Wen, K., Armwood-Gordon, C., Li, Y., and Li, L. 2023, Stabilization of Expansive Clayey Soil through Hydrogel for Mechanical Improvements, International Journal of Civil Engineering, accepted, in print.
  10. Li, Y., Li, Y., Bi, G., Ward, T., and Li, L. 2023, Adsorption and Degradation of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Agricultural Soils, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (IF=5.1),
  11. Yang, C. Yang, D., Huang, C., Huang, Z., Ouyang, L, Onyebueke, L., and Li, L. 2022, Effect of Silicone Rubber-sleeved Shear Studs Group on Reduction of Shear Stiffness of Steel-concrete Composite Structures, Steel and Composite Structures (IF=5.7), 44(5): 741-752.
  12. Liu, S.*, Du, K*, Wen, K., Armwood-Gordon, C., and Li, L. 2022, Influence of Rainfall-induced Erosion on the Stability of Sandy Slopes Treated by MICP, Advances in Civil Engineering (IF=1.9), vol. 2022, .
  13. Zhang, J.*, Su, P*, and Li, L. 2022, Bioremediation of Stainless Steel Pickling Sludge through Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation, Chemosphere (IF=7.1), 298, 134213.
  14. Deng, Y., Gui, J., Zhang, H. Taliercio, A., Zhang, P., Wong, S., Sukontasukkul, P., Khan, A., Li, L., Tang, Y., and Chen X. 2022, Study on Crack Width and Crack Resistance of Eccentrically Tensioned Steel-Reinforced Concrete Members Prestressed by CFRP Tendons, Engineering Structure (IF=7.635), 252, 113651.
  15. Liu, S.*, Du, K*, Huang, W., Wen, K.*, Amini, F., and Li, L. 2021, Enhanced Erosion-Resistance of Cement-treated Bricks using Multiple Bio-surface Treatment, Advances in Cement Research (IF=1.58), 1-10.
  16. Zhang, J.*, Wen, K.*, and Li, L. 2021, Bio-modification of Coal Fly Ash using Urease-producing Bacteria, Fuels (IF=5.58), 286: 119386.
  17. Liu, S.*, Du, K*, Huang, W., Wen, K.*, Amini, F., and Li, L. 2020, Improvement of Erosion-Resistance of Bio-bricks through Fiber and Multiple MICP Treatments, Construction and Building Materials, 271(11):121573, DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat. 2020.121573.
  18. Zhang, J.*, Wen, K.*, and Li, L. 2020, Bio-modification of Coal Fly Ash using Urease-producing Bacteria, Fuels (IF=5.58), 286: 119386.
  19. Li, Y*, Wen, K.*, Li, L., Huang, W., Bu, C., and Amini, F. 2020, Experimental investigation on compression resistance of bio-bricks, Construction & Building Materials (IF=4.05), 265:120751.
  20. Liu, S.*, Du, K*, Huang, W., Wen, K.*, Amini, F., and Li, L. 2020, Enhanced Erosion-Resistance of Cement-treated Bricks using Multiple Bio-surface Treatment, Advances in Cement Research, accepted, in Print.
  21. Zhang, J.*, Y. Li, and Li, L. 2020, Environmental Investigation of Bio-modification of Steel Slag through MICP, Journal of Environmental Sciences (IF=4.3), 101: 282-292.
  22. Zhang, J.*, Su, P*, Wen, K.*, Li, Y., and Li, L. 2020, Mechanical Performance and Environmental Effect of Coal Fly Ash on MICP-induced Soil Improvement, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (IF=1.984), DOI 10.1007/s12205-020-1931-z.
  23. Zhang, J.*, Su, P*, Wen, K.*, Li, Y., and Li, L. 2020, Environmental Impact and Mechanical Improvement of MICP-treated Coal Fly Ash-Soil Mixture, Journal of Environmental Geotechnics (IF=1.62), DOI: 10.1680/jenge.19.00125.
  24. Huang, W., Wen, K.*, Li, J., Fu, X., Liu, S., Li, Y.*, Li, L. and Amini, F. 2020, Mechanical Properties of Soft Soils Experiencing Lateral Unloading under Initial Excess Pore Water Pressure, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13:718, s12517-020-05734-8
  25. Huang, W., Wen, K.*, Deng, X., Li, J., Jiang, Z., Li, Y*, Li, L. and Amini, F. 2020, Constitutive Model of Lateral Unloading Creep of Soft Soil under Excess Pore Water Pressure, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 5017546, 13 pages, 2020. 2020/5017546.
  26. Liu, S.*, Wen, K.*, Amini, F., and Li, L. 2020, Investigation of Nonwoven Geotextiles for Full Contact Flexible Mold Used in Preparation of MICP-treated Geomaterial, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, 6, 14 (2020).
  27. Wen, K.*, Li, Y.*, and Li, L. 2020, Impact of Bacteria and Urease Concentration on Precipitation Kinetics and Crystal Morphology of Calcium Carbonate, Acta Geotechnica (IF=3.25),15: 17-27.
  28. Yan, J. *, Wen, K., and Li, L. 2019, Effects of Summer Transportation Institute on High School Minority Students’ Perception on STEM Learning, Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 20(2):5-11.
  29. Huang, W., Wen, K.*, Li, D., Deng, X., Li, L., Amini, F., and Jiang, H. 2019, Experiment Study on Influence of Excess Pore Water Pressure and Unloading Ratio on Unloading Mechanical Properties of Marine Sedimentary Soft Soils, Ocean Engineering, 195: 106680, (IF=2.73),
  30. Liu, S.*, Du, K.*, Wen, K.*, Huang, W., Amini, F., and Li, L. 2019, Sandy Soil Improvement through Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) by Immersion. Journal of Visualized Experiments (IF=1.33), 151, e60059, doi:10.3791/60059.
  31. Wen, K.*, Li, Y.*, Huang, W., Armwood, C., Amini, F, and Li, L . 2019, Mechanical Behaviors of Hydrogel-treated Sand, Construction & Building Materials (IF=4.05), 207, 174-180.
  32. Liu, S.*, Wen, K.*, Li, L., Armwood, C., Bu, C., Li, C., and Amini, F. 2019, Environmental Durability of MICP-treated Sandy soils and Methods to Improve its Resistant Ability, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.984), 31(12): 04019294.
  33. Wen, K.*, Li, Y., Liu, S., Bu, C., and Li, L ., 2019, Evaluation of MICP Treatment through EC and pH Test in Urea Hydrolyzed Process, Environmental Geotechnics, (IF=1.25),
  34. Shao, W, Shi, D., and Li, L., 2019, Chloride Diffusion-Convection into Unsaturated RC Hollow Cylinder Piles in Marine Tidal Zones, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540),, 1-9.
  35. Li, C.*, Wang, Y., Zhou, T., Bai, S., Gao, Y, Yao, D., and Li, L., 2019, Surface Acid Corrosion Mechanism of Biogeomaterial Based on MICP Technology, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.984), 31(7): 04019097.
  36. Wen, K.*, Li, L ., R. Zhang, Li, Y.*, and Amini, F. 2019, Micro-Scale Analysis of Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Sandy Soil through SEM/FIB Imaging, Microscopy Today, 27:1, January 2019.
  37. Huang, W., Wen, K.*, Li, D., Deng, X., Li, L., Amini, F., and Jiang, H. 2019, Experiment Study of Lateral Unloading Stress Path and Excess Pore Water Pressure on Creep Behavior of Soft Soil, Advances in Civil Engineering, (IF=1.104),, 1-9.
  38. Wen, K.*, Li, Y., Liu, S., Bu, C. and Li, L ., 2018, Development of an Improved Immersing Method to Enhance Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Treated Sandy Soil through Multiple Treatments in Lower Cementation Media Concentration, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540) ,, 1-13.
  39. Yan, J. *, Li, L., Yin, J., and Nie, Y. 2018, A Comparison of Flipped and Traditional Classroom Learning: A Cast Study in Mechanical Engineering, International Journal of. Engineering Education, 6(34):1876-1887.
  40. Li, H., Li, C.*, Zhou, T., Liu, S.*, and Li, L. 2018, An Improved Rotating Soak Method for MICP-treated Fine Sand in Specimen Preparation, Geotechnical Testing Journal, (IF=1.362), 41(4): doi:10.1520/GTJ20170109.
  41. Bu, C. *, Wen, K.*, Liu, S. *, Ogbannaya, U. *, Li, L . and Amini, F., 2018, Development of a Rigid Full Contact Mold for Preparing Bio-Beams through Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation, Geotechnical Testing Journal, (IF=1.362) GTJ20170148. ISSN 0149-6115.
  42. Wen, K.*, Bu, C. *, Liu, S. *, Li, Y., and Li, L., 2018, Experimental Investigation of Flexure Resistance Performance of Bio-Beams Reinforced with Discrete Randomly Distributed Fiber and Bamboo, Construction and Building Materials (IF=4.05), 176: 241-249.
  43. Bu, C. *, Wen, K.*, Liu, S. *, Ogbannaya, U. *, and Li, L ., 2018, Development of Bio-cemented Constructional Materials through Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation, Materials and Structures (IF=2.607), 51:30,
  44. Li, C.*, Yao, D., Liu, S.*, Zhou, T., Bai, S., Gao, Y., and Li, L., 2018, Improvement of Geomechnical Properties of Bio-remediated Aeolian Sand, Geomicrobiology Journal (IF=1.609), DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2017.1338798.
  45. Zhou, B., Anderson, C., Wang, F., and Li, L., 2017, Perceptions and Preferences of High School Students in STEM: A Case Study in Connecticut and Mississippi, Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 15(5):23-26.
  46. Xu, Y.*, Li, J., Fan, H., Chen, L., Zhao, Y., and Li, L., 2017, Stability Analysis of Clastic Rock Slope with Mudstone Interlayer under Rainfall Infiltration, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540), 35(4): 1871-1883.
  47. Li, M.*, Wen, K. *, Li, L. and Tian, A., 2017, Mechanical Properties of Expanded Polystyrene Beads Stabilized Lightweight Soil, Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 13(3): 459-474.
  48. Bao, R., Li, J., Li, L., Cutright, T.J., Chen, L, Zhu, J. and Tao, J., 2017, Effect of Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation on Surface Erosion of Granular Soils: Proof of Concept, Journal of Transportation Research Board (IF=0.954), 2657: 10-18.
  49. Li, C.*, Yao, D., Wang, Z., Liu, C., Wuliji, N., Yang, L., Li, L., and Amini, F., 2016, Model Test on Rainfall-induced Loess–mudstone Interfacial Landslides in Qingshuihe, China, Environmental Earth Sciences (IF=1.765), 75(9): 835, doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5658-6.
  50. Li, C.*, Zhu, W., Li, L., Lu, B, Yao, D., and Amini, F., 2016, Experimental Analysis for the Dynamic Initiation Mechanism of Debris Flows, Journal of Mountain Science (IF=1.423), 13(4): 581-592.
  51. Pan, Y.*, Li, L., Amini, F., Kuang, C.P., and Chen, Y. 2016, New Understanding on the Distribution of Individual Wave Overtopping Volumes over a Levee under Negative Freeboard, Journal of Coastal Research (IF=1.053), 75: 1207-1211.
  52. Li, M.*, Li, L. , Ogbonnaya, U.*, Wen, K.*, Tian, A., and Amini, F., 2015, Impacts of Randomly Distributed Discrete Fiber on Geomechanical Properties of MICP-treated Sand, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.984), 28(4): DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001442.
  53. Yuan, S.*, Tang, H., Li, L., Amini, F., 2015, Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping Erosion Failure Model of HPTRM Levees: Accounting for Grass-Mat Strength, Ocean Engineering (IF=2.73), 109, 256-269.
  54. Pan, Y.*, Kuang, C.P., Li, L., and Amini, F., 2015, Full-scale Laboratory Study on Distribution of Individual Wave Overtopping Volumes over a Levee under Negative Freeboard, Coastal Engineering (IF=3.85), 97: 11-20.
  55. Li, L. , Shao, W.*, Cetin, B., and Li, Y., 2015, Effects of Climatic Factors on Mechanical Properties of Cement and Fiber Reinforced Clays, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540), 33, 537-548.
  56. Li, L. , Rao, X.*, Amini, F., and Tang, H., 2015, SPH Modeling of Hydraulics and Erosion of HPTRM Levee, Journal of Advanced Research in Ocean Engineering, 1 (1), 1-13.
  57. Li, L. , Yuan, S.*, Amini, F., Tang, H., 2015, Numerical Study of Combined Wave Overtopping and Storm Surge Overflow of HPTRM Strengthened Levee, Ocean Engineering (IF=2.73), 97, 1-11.
  58. Pan, Y.*, Li, L., Amini, F., and Kuang, C.P., 2015, Overtopping Erosion and Failure Mechanics of Earthen Levees Strengthened by Vegetated HPTRM system, Ocean Engineering (IF=2.73), 96, 139-148.
  59. Li, C.*, Huang, H., Li, L., Gao, Y., Ma, Y., and Amini, F., 2015, Geotechnical Hazards Assessment on Wind-eroded Desert Embankment in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, North China, Natural Hazards (IF=2.604), 76 (1), 235-257.
  60. Li, L. , Amini, F., and Wu, J.*, 2015, Turbulence and Seepage Effect on the Slope Stability of Earthen Levee Strengthened by High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540), 33 (1), 1-13.
  61. Yuan, S.*, Li, L., Amini, F., Tang, H., 2015, Sensitivity of Combined Turbulent Wave Overtopping and Storm Surge Overflow Response to Variations in Levee Geometry, Journal of Coastal Research (IF=1.053), 31 (3), 702-713.
  62. Li, Y., Li, L., Cordero-Zayas, S.*, Santo, F.*, and Yaeger, J. H.*, 2014, Environmental Impact of Fly Ash Utilization in Roadway Embankments, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (IF=2.164), 16, 591-596.
  63. Shao, W.*, Li, L. , Cetin, B., and Li, Y., 2014, Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Sands Reinforced with Discrete Randomly Distributed Fiber, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540), 32(4): 901-910.
  64. Zhao, Q.*, Li, L. , Li, C., Zhang, H., and Amini, F., 2014, A Full Contact Flexible Mold for Preparing Samples Based on Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Technology, Geotechnical Testing Journal (IF=1.362), 37(5), DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20130090.
  65. Yuan, S.*, Li, L., Amini, F., and Tang, H., 2014, Numerical Study of Turbulence and Erosion of an HPTRM Strengthened Levee under Combined Storm Surge Overflow and Wave Overtopping, Journal of Coastal Research (IF=1.053), 30(1): 142-157.
  66. Zhao, Q.*, Li, L. , Li, C., Li, M., Zhang, H., and Amini, F., 2014, Factors Effecting Improvement of Engineering Properties of MICP-treated Soil Catalyzed by Bacteria and Urease, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.984), 26 (12), 04014094.
  67. Yuan, S.*, Li, L., Amini, F., Tang, H., 2014, Turbulence Measurement of Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping over a Full Scale HPTRM Strengthened Levee, Journal of Waterways, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.625), 140(4): 04014014.
  68. Li, L. , Amini, F., Pan, Y.*, Kuang, C.P., and Briaud, J., 2014, Erosion Resistance of HPTRM Strengthened Levee from Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540), 32(4):847-857.
  69. Li, L. , Amini, F., Rao, X.*, and Tang, H., 2013, SPH Study of Surge Overflow and Hydraulic Erosion of Earthen Levee Armored by Articulated Concrete Blocks, Current Development in Oceanography (IF=0.675), 6(2): 61-80.
  70. Cetin, B.*, Adyilek, A. H., and Li, L., 2013, Trace Metal Leaching from Embankment Soils Amended with High Carbon Fly Ash, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.696), 140(1): 1-13.
  71. Cetin, B.*, Adyilek, A. H., and Li, L., 2013, Leaching Behavior of Aluminum, Arsenic, and Chromium from Highway Structural Fills Amended with High-Carbon Fly Ash, Journal of Transportation Research Board (IF=0.954), 2349:72-80.
  72. Amini, F., Li, L., and Xu, Y.*, 2013, Two-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis of Earthen Levee Strengthened by Articulated Concrete Block System under Hurricane Overtopping Flow Conditions, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (IF=0.77), 7(2):178-186.
  73. Pan, Y.*, Li, L., Amini, F., and Kuang, C.P., 2013, Comparison of the Hydraulic Performances of Three Levee-Strengthening Systems and Hydraulic Equivalency Analysis between Steady and Intermittent Overtopping, Journal of Waterways, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE (IF=1.625), 139(4): 256-266.
  74. Pan, Y.*, Li, L., Amini, F., and Kuang, C.P., 2013, Full Scale HPTRM Strengthened Levee Testing under Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping Conditions: Overtopping Hydraulics, Shear Stress and Erosion Analysis, Journal of Coastal Research (IF=1.053), 29(1): 182-200.
  75. Li, L. , Amini, F., Rao, X.*, and Tang, H., 2012, SPH Modeling of Surge Overflow over RCC Strengthened Levee, International Journal of Oceans Systems Engineering, 2(4): 200-208.
  76. Li, L., Pan, Y.*, Kuang, C.P., and Amini, F., 2012, Full Scale Laboratory Study of Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping of a Levee with RCC Strengthening System, Ocean Engineering (IF=2.73), 54(1): 70-86.
  77. Xu, Y.*, Li, L., and Amini, F., 2012, Slope Stability Analysis of Earthen Levee Strengthened by Roller-Compacted Concrete under Hurricane Overtopping Flow Conditions, Geomechanics and Geoengineering (IF=0.87), 8(2): 76-85.
  78. Xu, Y.*, Li, L., and Amini, F., 2012, Slope Stability Analysis of Earthen Levee Strengthened by High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat under Hurricane Overtopping Flow Conditions, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540), 30: 893-905.
  79. Rao, X.*, Li, L., Amini, F., and Tang, H., 2012, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling of Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping and Hydraulic Erosion of an Articulated Concrete Block-Strengthened Levee System, Journal of Coastal Research (IF=1.053), 28(6):1500-1511.
  80. Rao, X.*, Li, L., Amini, F., and Tang, H., 2012, Numerical Study of Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping over RCC Strengthened Levee System using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method, Ocean Engineering (IF=2.73), 54: 101-109.
  81. Cetin, B.*, Adyilek, A. H., and Li, L., 2012, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Metal Leaching from Fly Ash-amended Highway Bases, Waste Management (IF=3.22), 32(5): 965-978.
  82. Li, L. , Peng, B.*, Santos, F.*, Li, Y., and Amini, F., 2011, Groundwater Impacts from Leaching of Coal Combustion Products in Roadways Embankment Constructions, Journal of ASTM International (IF=0.734), 8(8): 1-12.
  83. Li, L. , and Benson, C.H., 2010, Evaluation of Five Strategies to Limit the Impact of Fouling in Permeable Reactive Barriers, Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=7.65), 181: 170-180.
  84. Li, L. , Benson, C.H., and Edil, T.B., 2009, Mechanical Performance of Pavement Geomaterials Stabilized with Fly Ash in Field Applications, Coal Combustion and Gasification Products, 1: 43-49.
  85. Li, Y., Richardson, J.B.*, Niu, X.*, Yang, H., Li, L., Bricka, R.M., Jackson, O.J., Jimenez, A., and Laster, J.D., 2009, Leaching of Heavy Metals from E-waste in Simulated Landfill Columns, Waste Management (IF=3.22), 29: 2147-2150.
  86. Li, L., Benson, C.H., Edil,T. B., and Hatipoglu, B., 2008, Sustainable Construction Case History: Fly Ash Stabilization of Recycled Asphalt Pavement Material, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (IF=1.540), 26: 177-187.
  87. Li, L., Benson, C.H., Edil,T. B., and Hatipoglu, B., 2006, Groundwater Impact from Coal Ash in Highways, Waste and Resource Management (IF=0.79), 159(4): 151-162.
  88. Li, L., Benson, C.H., and Lawson, E.A., 2006, Modeling Porosity Reductions Caused by Mineral Fouling in Continuous-Wall Permeable Reactive Barriers, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (IF=2.65), 83(1-2): 89-121.
  89. Li, L., Benson, C.H., and Lawson, E.A., 2005, Impact of Mineral Fouling on Hydraulic Behavior of Permeable Reactive Barriers, Ground Water (IF=2.322), 43(4): 582-596.
  90. Eykholt, G.R. and Li, L., 2000, Fate and Transport of Species in a Linear Reaction Networks with Different Retardation Coefficients, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (IF=2.65), 46:163-185.
  91. Lee, J., Li, L. and Cheung, V., 1999, Semianalytical Self-Similar Solution of Bent-Over Jet in Cross-Flow, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE (IF=2.264), 125 (7): 733-746. 
  92. Zhang, D., Li, L. and Huang, H., 1999, Stability of Multiple Equilibria in Thermohaline Double-Diffusive System, Acta Mechanica Sinica (IF=1.617), 31 (1): 21-28.
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  1. Li, L. and Benson, C.H., 2005, Reactive Transport in the Saturated Zone: Case Histories for Permeable Reactive Barriers, Water Encyclopedia, Volume I - Ground Water, Jay Lehr and Jack Keeley, eds, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 518-524. 

  2. Cetin, B., and Li, L., 2018, Waste Minimization and Reuse Technologies, Handbook of Environmental Engineering, Myer Kutz eds, John Wiley and Sons Inc., in Print.

  3. Li,  L.,   Cetin, B., and Yang, X, 2018 (editors), Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018: Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics, Springer, in print. 574 pages.

  4. Li, L. Amini, F., Pan, Y, Yuan, S, and Cetin, B., 2021, Hydraulics of Levee Overtopping, CRC Press, ISBN 978-0-367-27727-7. 225 pages.



(*: student supervised; underline: corresponding author)

  1. Parthasarathy, R., Ouyang L., Misra, A, Hodaei, M., Omotayo, K., Mikhaeil, A., Rawn, C., Painter, R., Li, L., Armwood, C., and Quick, Q., 2024, Determination of Atomic Level Residual Stresses in Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Canisters, Waste Management, WM2024 Conference, March 10 – 14, 2024, Phoenix, Arizona.
  2. Magombana, B., Li, L., Liu, S., and Machimu, D., 2024, Hydrogel Stabilization of Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste: Enhancing Mechanical Behavior and Environmental Compatibility, Waste Management, WM2024 Conference, March 10 – 14, 2024, Phoenix, Arizona.
  3. Zhang, J. and Li, L., 2023, Experimental Study of Mechanical Properties of MICP-treated Coal Fly Ash Mixtures, Proceedings of the 15th JGS Symposium on Environmental Geotechnics, November 15-16, 2023, Kumamoto, Japan, Japanese Geotechnical Society. Page 459-466.
  4. Parthasarathy, R., Sivakumar, S., Misra, A., Roy, H., Resch, P., Omotayo, K., Mikhaeil, A., Hodaei, M., Li, L., Armwood, C., and Painter, R., 2024, Structural Phase Transformation in a Simplex Tensegrity, ASCE Earth and Space Sciences, The 19th ASCE ASD Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environment, April 15-18, Greater Miami, FL.
  5. Wen, K., Li, Y., and Li, L. , 2021, Study of Mechanical Improvement of Hydrogel-Treated Sandy Soil, Geotechnical Special Publication 326: pp. 188-195, ASCE.
  6. Liu, S., Wen, K., and Li, L. , 2021, Erosion Performance of Cement Brick after Surface-treated by Microbial Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-10), Arlington, Virginia, USA. 18-21 October, 2021. Rice, J., Liu, X., McIlroy, M., Sasanakul, I., and Xiao, M. (Eds), Page 1126-1135.
  7. Li, L. , Wen, K., Bu, C., and Amini, F., 2020, Enhancement of Bio-Sandy Brick through Discrete Randomly Distributed Fiber, Proceeding of Geosynthetics Conference 2020 - Biogeotechnics, Geotechnical Special Publication 320: 39-45, ASCE.
  8. Li, L. , Liu, S., and Wen, K., 2019, Development of Nonwoven Geotextiles Flexible Mold for Sample Preparation in MICP, Proceeding of Geosynthetics Conference 2019, pp. 28-33.
  9. Zhang, J., Wen, K., and Li, L ., 2019, Leaching Assessment of MICP-treated Coal Combustion Products in Roadways Embankment, Geo-Congress 2019, Geotechnical Special Publication 309: 273-279, ASCE.
  10. Bu, C., Dong, Q., Wen, K.*, and Li, L., 2018, Development of Innovative Bio-beam Using Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Technology, International Conference: Geoenvironment and Geohazard, GSIC 2018: 491-498.
  11. Wen, K.*, Li, Y.*, Li, L., and Amini, F., 2018, Development of Multiple Treatment Laboratory Method to Enhance Microbial-Induced Soil Stabilization, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 296: 12-18, ASCE.
  12. Li, L ., Wen, K., Li, C., and Amini, F., 2017, FIB/SEM Imaging of Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation in Sandy Soil, Microscopy & Microanalysis Proceedings 23(Suppl 1), 310-311, doi: 10.1017/S1431927617002239.
  13. Li, L. , and Amini, F., 2017, Concept of the Active Flipped Learning in Engineering Mechanics, International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, 4(7), 1999.36/75040.
  14. Zhou, B., Anderson, C., Wang, F., and Li, L., 2017, Perceptions and Preferences of High School Students in STEM: A Case Study in Connecticut and Mississippi, Proceedings of The 11th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI), 175-180.
  15. Li, L. , Li, M.*, Ogbonnaya, U., Wen, K.*, Xu, Y., and Amini, F., 2017, Study of a Discrete Randomly Distributed Fiber on the Tensile Strength Improvement of Microbial-Induced Soil Stabilization, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 280: 12-19, ASCE.
  16. Li, L. , Li, M.*, Ogbonnaya, U., Wen, K.*, Li, C.*, and Amini, F., 2016, Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of MICP-Treated Sands Reinforced with Discrete Randomly Distributed Fiber, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 269: 52-61, ASCE.
  17. Akimana, R.M., Seo, Y., Li, L., Howard, L.J., Dewoolkar, M.M., and Bu, L.B, 2016, Exploring X-Ray Computed Tomography Characterization and Reactive Transport Modelling of Microbially-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Sandy Soils, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 269: 62-71, ASCE.
  18. Chen, J., Soleimanbeigi, A., Zhang, Y., Edil, T.B., and Li, L., 2016, Leaching Characteristics of Recycled Asphalt Shingle Mixed with Industrial Byproducts as Structural Fills, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 269: 62-71, ASCE.
  19. Amini, F., and Li, L. , 2015, Slope Stability of an Earthen Levee Strengthened by HPTRM under Turbulent Overtopping Conditions, International Journal of Environmental, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering, 9(5), 269-272.
  20. Pan, Y.* Amini, F., and Li, L. , 2015, Failure Mechanism of Earthen Levee Strengthened by Vegetated HPTRM System and Design Guideline for Hurricane Overtopping Conditions, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 256: 2452-2461, ASCE.
  21. Li, L. , Amini, F., Zhao, Q.*, Li, C.*, Wen, K.*, Li, M.*, and Ogbonnaya, U.*, 2015, Development of a Flexible Mold for Bio-Mediated Soil Materials, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 256: 2339-2348, ASCE.
  22. Li, L. , Zhao, Q.*, Li, C.*, and Amini, F. 2015, Development of Full Contact Flexible Mold for Bio-Mediated Soil Improvement, GeoSynthetics 2015, Portland, OR, February 15-18, 2015, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Roseville, MN, pp. 230-235.
  23. Li, L. , Amini, F., Pan, Y.* and Li, C.*, 2014, Stability Monitoring of Articulated Concrete Block Strengthened Levee in Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping Conditions, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 234: 262-271, ASCE.
  24. Li, L. , Amini, F., Yuan, S.*, and Li, C.*, 2014, Modeling Study of Erosion of HPTRM Strengthened Levee in Turbulent Overtopping Flow Conditions, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 234: 1052-1061, ASCE.
  25. Li, Y., Li, L., Cordero-Zaya, S.*, Santos, F.*, and Yaeger, J. H.*, 2013, Environmental Impact of Fly Ash Utilization in Roadway Embankments, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, Shanghai, China, Oct. 22-25, 2013.
  26. Li L. , Amini, F., and Pan, Y.*, 2013, Design of Earthen Levee Strengthening with HPTRM for Hurricane Overtopping Conditions, Proceeding of Geosynthetics 2013, Long Beach, CA, April 1-4, 2013, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Roseville, MN, pp. 230-234.
  27. Pan, Y., Kuang, C., Li L., and Amini, F., Discussion of the Failure Mechanics of Levees under Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping, Proceeding of 2013 IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, September 8-13, 2013, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, pp. 1-7.
  28. Amini, F., Li, L., Yuan, S.*, 2013, Overtopping Turbulent Flow over a Full Scale HPTRM Strengthened Levee, Proceedings of 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering, pg. 1217-1222.
  29. Li L. , Amini, F., and Pan, Y.*, 2013, Design of Earthen Levee Strengthening with HPTRM for Hurricane Overtopping Conditions, Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankment III, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 231: 1892-1901, ASCE.
  30. Amini, F., Li, L. , and Xu, Y.*, 2013, Slope Stability Analysis of Three Innovative Earthen Levee Strengthening Systems under Hurricane Overtopping Flow Conditions, Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankment III, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 231: 1882-1891, ASCE.
  31. Li, L. , Amini, F., and Pan, Y.*, 2013, Erosion Resistance of Earthen Levee Strengthened by HPTRM System under Combined Wave and Surge Overtopping Conditions, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 231: 1885-1894, ASCE.
  32. Amini, F. and Li, L., 2013, Performance of RCC Strengthened Levee in Full-Scale Overtopping Tests, USSD 33rd Annual Meeting and Conference, Phoenix, AZ, February 11-15, 2013.
  33. Amini, F., Li, L., and Pan, Y.*, 2012, Performance of HPTRM Strengthened Levee in Full-Scale Overtopping Tests, 5th Annual National Dam Security Forum, Denver, CO, September 16-20, 2012.
  34. Li, L. , Santos, F.*, Wei, S.*, Qian, Z.*, and Amini, F., 2012, Evaluation of Fly Ash and Soil Mixtures for Use in Highway Embankments, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 225, pg. 3672-3680.
  35. Cetin, B., Aydilek, A., and Li, L., 2012, Manganese and Chromium Leaching from High Carbon Fly Ash Amended Embankments, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 225: 3756-3764, ASCE.
  36. Santos, F*, Li, L. , Li, Y.*, and Amini, F., 2011, Geotechnical Properties of Fly Ash and Soil Mixtures for Use in Highway Embankments, 2011 World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference, May 9-12, 2011 in Denver, CO, USA,, pg. 1-10, ISBN 1946-0198.
  37. Cetin, B., Aydilek, A., and Li, L., 2011, Leaching of Chromium Metal from High Carbon Fly Ash Stabilized Highway Base Layers, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 211:1066-1074,
  38. Rao, X.*, Li, L., and Amini, F., 2010, Modeling of Surge Overtopping and Hydraulic Erosion of an Earthen Levee Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Environmental Geotechnics for Sustainable Development, 1695-1698, Tata McGraw Hill.
  39. Rao, X.*, Li, L., and Amini, F., 2010, Numerical Simulation of Wave Overtopping and Erosion of Levee, 2010 CSCE Annual General Meeting and Conference “Engineering a Sustainable World”-2nd Specialty Conference on Disaster Mitigation, Winnipeg, Canada, June 9-12, 2010: DM-09-1-DM-09-5.
  40. Rao, X.*, Li, L., and Amini, F., 2009, Numerical Simulation of Surge Overflow at a Levee using Shallow water SPH Method, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 60: 331-334.
  41. Li, L., Edil, T.B., and Benson, C.H., 2009, Properties of Pavement Geomaterials Stabilized with Fly Ash, 2009 World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference, May 4-7, 2009 in Lexington, KY, USA,
  42. Li, L. , Tastan, O, Benson, C.H., and Edil, T.B., 2009, Field Evaluation of Fly Ash Stabilized Subgrade in US 12 Highway, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 187: 385-392, ASCE.
  43. Li, L. and Benson, C.H., 2008, Evaluation of Two Strategies to Enhance the Long-Term Hydraulic Performance of Permeable Reactive Barriers, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 177: 587-594, ASCE.
  44. Li, L ., 2008, Perspective of the state of geoenvironmental engineering, Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Geoenvironmental Workshop, J. L. Hanson, N. Yesiller, T. Katsumi (Eds), page 70-73.
  45. Li, L., Benson, C.H., Edil,T. B., Hatipoglu, B., and Tastan, O., 2007, Evaluation of Recycled Asphalt Pavement Material Stabilized with Fly Ash, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 169:1-10, ASCE.
  46. Li, L., Benson, C.H., Edil,T. B., and Hatipoglu, B., 2006, WiscLEACH: A Model for Predicting Ground Water Impacts from Fly-Ash Stabilized Layers in Roadways, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 187: 1-8, ASCE.
  47. Li, L. and Benson, C.H., 2005, Impact of Fouling on the Long-Term Performance of Permeable Reactive Barriers, Permeable Reactive Barrier, Boshoff, G. A., and Bone, B. D. (Eds), International Association of Hydrological Science, Oxfordshire, UK, Publication 298: 23-31.
  48. Li, L. , Mergener, E.A., and Benson, C.H., 2003, Reactive Transport Modeling of Mineral Fouling in Permeable Reactive Barriers, MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding Through Modeling, Poeter, D., Zheng, C., Hill, M., Doherty, H. (Eds), International Ground Water Modeling Center, 300-304.
  49. Li, L. , Lee, J., and Cheung, V, 1999, A Semi-Analytical Self-Similar Solution of a Bent Over Jet in CrossFlow, Environmental Hydraulics, Lee, J., Jayawardena, A., Wang, Z. (Eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, 123-128.


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