Dr. Nsoki Phambu

Contact Information
Dr. Nsoki Phambu
Professor, Physical Chemistry
Phone: (615) 963-5335
Email: nphambu@tnstate.edu
1996 Ph.D. in Chemistry and Molecular Physical Chemistry,
Henri Poincare University, Nancy, France
1992 M.S. in Physical Chemistry, Universite Henri Poincare, Nancy, France.
1989 B.S. in Physical Chemistry, Universite Denis Diderot, Paris VII, Paris, France.
2010 - 2017, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Tennessee State University, TN
2010 & 2011 Visiting Professor (summers) at Vanderbilt University, TN
2004 - 2010 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Tennessee State University, TN
2000 - 2004 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Johnson C. Smith University, NC
General Chemistry I & II (CHEM 1110 and 1120)
Physical Chemistry I & II (CHEM 3210 and 3220)
Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM 5310)
November 2009: NSF Panelist: I served on the chemistry panel to review proposals
March 2010 & Feb 2011: NSF GRFP (Graduate Research Fellowship Program) Panelist: I served on the chemistry panel to evaluate applications
Selected Publications
1. Ganesh Shanmugam, N. Phambu, Prasad L Polavarapu. Unusual Structural Transition of Antimicrobial VP1 Peptide. Biophysical Chemistry, 155, 104-108, 2011.
2. E.B. Djantou, C.M.F. Mbofung, J. Scher, N. Phambu, J.D. Morael. Alternation drying and grinding (ADG) technique: A novel approach for producing ripe mango powder. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 44, 1585-1590, 2011.
3. Jiao, Yang; Koktysh, Dmitry S.; Phambu, Nsoki; Weiss, Sharon M. Dual-mode sensing platform based on colloidal gold functionalized porous silicon. Applied Physics Letters, 97, 15, 153125/1-3, 2010.
4. Yahia Z. Hamada, Jasmine T. Greene, Veronica Shields, Monique Pratcher, Shandera Gardiner, Emanuel Waddell, Stephen Shreeves, Anderson Sunda-Meya, and Nsoki Phambu “Spectroscopic and potentiometric studies of the interactions of adenine and some trivalent metal ions” Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 63, 2, 284-295, 2010.
5. Marie-Camille Jodin-Caumona*1, Bernard Humberta, Nsoki Phambua2 and Fabien Gaboriauda “A vibrational study of the nature of hydroxyl groups chemical bonding in two aluminium hydroxides”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 72, 959-964, 2009.
Five Other Publications with/without students
6. Nsoki Phambu, “Interactions between the antimicrobial peptide AP1 and metal ions: Spectroscopic studies”. Abstracts of Papers, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 27-31, 2011
7. Nsoki Phambu, “Screening and mapping of some constituents in potatoes using infrared and Raman spectroscopes”. Abstracts of Papers, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA, United States, March 27-31, 2011
8. Magnaterra, Felicia M.; Nsoki Phambu; Mason, Zanetta; Arnett, Shirelle, “Spectroscopic studies of the interaction of thymidine with tryptophan”. Abstracts of Papers, 239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, March 21-25, 2010
9. Arnett, Shirelle L.; Nsoki Phambu; Mason, Zanetta, “Interactions between amyloid-beta peptide and metal ions”. Abstracts of Papers, 239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, March 21-25, 2010.
10. Marneni, Murali Krishna*; Aitha, Mahesh Kumar*; Sunda Meya, Anderson; Phambu, Nsoki. Competitive effect of ca (II) and mg (II) on phospholipid model membranes. Abstracts of Papers, 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, March 22-26, 2009
2001-2011: American Chemical Society member
- 2010-2015: Co-PI of a state-wide NSF grant entitled “Tennessee Solar Conversion and Storage Using Outreach, Research and Education (TN–SCORE)”, Advanced Solar Conversion and Innovation, with University of Tennessee, from 2010 to 2015.
- 2009-2012: Co-PI of the NSF funded grant entitled “Biomaterials interface of Photoactive Proteins”, with Vanderbilt University, chemistry dept, from 2009 to 2012.
- 2008 & 2009: Fast Program Fellow at Oak Ridge National Lab, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) “Synthesis and characterization of mixed (Ti,Sn)O2 nanoparticles”, under the supervision of Dr. Mike Simonson (CNMS Group Leader and Int. Division Director), sponsored by DOE (2009), by NSF (2008)
- 2007 & 2010: Principal Investigator “Direct Lithium Oxide Reduction”, BWXT Y-12/Department of Energy (2010), faculty Research award (2007)
- 2003-2004: Program Director, MBRS-SCORE-NIH/NGMS grant 1 SO6 GM065299-01A1 “MBRS SCORE at Johnson C. Smith University”.
- Reviewer: Journal of Chemical Education, Journal of Colloids & Interface Science, ACS PRF.
Collaborators and other Affiliations:
David Cliffel, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN; Neville Kallenbach, Ph.D., New York University, NY. Peter Bonnesen, CNMS, ORNL.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors: Graduate/Thesis Advisor: Professor Andre Burneau, Department of Chemistry, Henri Poincare University, Nancy/France.
I mentored and supervised the research of 6 Graduate students and +23 Undergraduate (21 African American) students over the five years.
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