Dr. Mulugeta Wayu
Assistant Professor, Analytical Chemistry
Contact Information Office: 219 Boswell Science Building Phone: 615-963-5338 Email: mwayu@tnstate.edu
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA (2015 -2018)
Ph.D. Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN (2015)
M.S. Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN (2012)
B.S. Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (2000)
- Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award nominee for 2011–2013 Academic Years selected by College of Graduate Studies to be the Middle Tennessee State University representative for the 2014 Conference of Southern Graduate Schools.
- Graduate Research Achievement Award for 2011–2012 Academic Years from Chemistry Department, Middle Tennessee State University (received April 19th, 2012).
Dr. Wayu’s research lab is mainly focused on designing fundamental techniques and identifying potential materials for the development of electrochemical sensors for clinically relevant analytes. More specifically the research lab is interested in the application of carbon-based nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, and carbon dots. The research lab mainly applies electrochemical techniques to understand fundamental and particularly important interfacial electrochemical processes at the electrode surfaces. As such, research activities in the Wayu research lab comprises of three areas: (a) Synthesis of nanoparticles, (b) surface modification of carbon-based nanomaterials to tune the surface properties for applications in electrochemical sensing, and (c) development of electrochemical sensors.
- Introduction to Analytical Chemistry (Chem2100)
- Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Lab (Chem2101)
- Instrumental Analysis (Chem4320)
- Instrumental Analysis Lab (Chem4321)
- Advanced Analytical Chemistry (Chem5510)
- N. Labban, M. Wayu, C. Steele, T. Munoz, J.A. Pollock, W.S. Case, and M.C. Leopold “First Generation Amperometric Biosensing of Galactose with Xerogel-Carbon Nanotube Layer-by-Layer Assemblies,” Nanomaterials 2019, 9(1), 42.
- M. Wayu, M.J. Pannell, N. Labban, W.S. Case, J.A. Pollock, and M.C. Leopold, “Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Adsorption Interfaces for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase,” Bioelectrochemistry 2019, 125, 116-126.
- M. Pannell, E. Doll, N. Labban, M. Wayu, J. Pollock, and M.C. Leopold, “Versatile Sarcosine and Creatinine Biosensing Schemes Utilizing Layer-by-Layer Construction of Carbon Nanotube-Chitosan Composite Films,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 2018, 814, 20-30.
- Wayu, M.B.; Schwarzmann, M.A.; Gillespie, S.D.; Leopold, M.C. “Enzyme-free uric acid electrochemical sensors using β–cyclodextrin modified carboxylic acid functionalized carbon nanotubes.” J. Mater. Sci. 2017, 52(10), 6050 - 6062.
- Wayu, M.B.; DiPasquale, L.T.; Schwarzmann, M.A.; Gillespie, S.D.; Leopold, M.C. “Electropolymerization of b–cyclodextrin onto multi-walled carbon nanotube composite films for enhanced selective detection of uric acid” J. Electroanal. Chem. 2016, 783, 192–200.
- Wayu, M.B.; Pannell, M.J.; Dattelbaum, J.D.; Leopold, M.C. “Layered Xerogel Films Incorporating Monolayer-Protected Cluster Networks on Platinum Black Modified Electrodes for Enhanced Sensitivity in 1st Generation Uric Acid Biosensing” ChemElectroChem. 2016, 3, 1245–1252.
- Deb, A. K.; Das, S. C.; Saha, A.; Wayu, M.B.; Marksberry, H.M.; Baltz, R. J.; Chusuei, C. C., “Ascorbic acid, acetaminophen, and hydrogen peroxide detection using a dendrimer– encapsulated Pt nanoparticle carbon nanotube composite.” J. Appl. Electrochem. 2016, 46(3), 289–298.
- Wayu, M.B.; King, J.E.; Johnson, J.A.; Chusuei, C.C. “A Zinc Oxide Carbon Nanotube-Based Sensor for in situ Monitoring of Hydrogen Peroxide in Swimming Pools.” Electroanal. 2015, 27, 2552–2558.
- Wayu, M.B.; Spidle, R.T.; Devkota, T.; Deb, A.K..; Delong, R.K.; Ghosh, K.C.; Wanekaya, A.K.; Chusuei, C.C. “Morphology of hydrothermally synthesized ZnO nanoparticles tethered to carbon nanotubes affects electrocatalytic activity for H2O2 detection.” Electrochim. Acta 2013, 97 , 99–104.
- Chusuei, C. C.; Wayu, M. “Characterizing Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Improved Fabrication in Aqueous Solution Environments.” In Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes/Book 5. J.M. Marulanda, Ed. InTech, 2011 (ISBN 978–953–307–499–3), pp. 55–66.
- Wayu, M.B.; Schwarzmann, M.A.; Gillespie, S.D.; Leopold M.C. “Non–enzymatic electrochemical sensing platforms using b–cyclodextrin and multi-walled carbon nanotubes for selective detection of uric acid”, TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo, Washington, DC, USA, May 14 – 17, 2017; paper 414.
- Wayu, M.B.; DiPasquale, L.T.; Schwarzmann, M.A.; Gillespie, S.D.; Leopold, M.C. “Electropolymerization of b–cyclodextrin onto multi-walled carbon nanotube composite films for enhanced selective detection of uric acid”, 68th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society at Columbia, SC, USA, October 23–26, 2016; paper 751.
- Wayu, M.; Pannell, M.J.; Dattelbaum, J.D.; Leopold, M.C. “Functional layer-by-layer design of monolayer-protected cluster doped xerogels on platinum black modified electrodes for optimized uric acid biosensor”. 252nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia PA, USA, August 21–25, 2016; AEI–2.
- Wayu, M.; Spidle, R. T.; Wanekaya, A.K.; Chusuei, C. C. “Chronoamperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide in swimming pool water samples”. 66th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society 2014, Nashville, TN, USA, October 16–19, 2014; Materials Chem–160.
- Wayu, M.; Das, S. C.; Spidle, R. T.; Wanekaya, A.K.; Chusuei, C. C. “An enzyme-free hydrogen peroxide sensor from a zinc oxide multi-walled carbon nanotube hybrid”. 88th ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA, USA, June 22–25, 2014; paper 725.
- Wayu, M.; Spidle, R. T.; Devkota, T.; Deb, A. K.; Delong, R. K.; Ghosh, K.; Wanekaya, A.K.; Chusuei, C. C. “Developing a non–enzymatic hydrogen peroxide biosensor”. 247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Dallas, TX, USA, March 16–20, 2014; BIOL–193.
- Wayu, M.; Spidle, R. T.; Ghosh, K.; Wanekaya, A.; Chusuei, C. C. “Zinc oxide-carbon nanotube composites for improved electrocatalytic detection of hydrogen peroxide”. 86th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Johns Hopkins University, June 10–13, 2012; paper 414.
- Wayu, M., Spidle, R., Ghosh, K.,Delong, K. R., Wanekaya, A., Chusuei, C. C. “Characterization of hydrothermally synthesized zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles”. 2011, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA, USA, March 27–31, 2011; COLL–287.