Handbook: PhD in Public Policy and Administration
Point of contact for prospective students: Dr. Meg Streams, Dept. Chair
Point of contact for admitted students in course-taking phase: Dr. Alex Sekwat, PhD Program Advisor Point of contact for doctoral candidates past the course-taking phase: student's Dissertation Committee Chair and Dr. Alex Sekwat, PhD Program Advisor
I. Key guiding documents
TSU Graduate Catalog - (2024-2025; use dropdown menu in upper right of Catalog page to access past catalogs) - Relevant policies are found both in the front of the catalog which apply to all TSU graduate students as well as the program-specific part in the College of Public Service section.
Please note that this "handbook," while it provides useful details for prospective and current students, does not replace or supercede the Graduate Catalog, nor does it cover all the important elements of policy included in the Catalog. All applicants and students are responsible for knowing and abiding by TSU, Graduate School, and program policies outlined in the Catalog.
II. Purpose and uses of the PhD degree in public policy and administration
- Graduate Catalog: 2024-2025 - PhD PPA section (use dropdown menu in upper right of Catalog page to access past catalogs)
- FYI |
sample past syllabi
Students offer advice
Graduates and dissertations
Where do our graduates work? Fall 2022 data
III. Applying for admission to the PhD in public policy and administration
- FYI | TSU Graduate Catalog - (2024-2025; use dropdown menu in upper right of Catalog page to access past catalogs) including admissions requirements. Please note program capacity is limited and meeting minimum admission criteria does not guarantee a place.
Deadlines: Applications must be complete by March 1, 2025 to be considered for Fall 2025 admission. The next deadline will be March 1, 2026 to be considered for Fall 2026 admission. Admissions decisions are rendered once per year for this program.
Apply to the Graduate School directly, 615-963-7371
- NOTE: if you plan to pursue a graduate certificate with us to seek the GRE waiver for an application to the PhD PPA program based on the Graduate Catalog, contact Department Chair Dr. Streams by email first to learn more about that pathway.
- Tuition and fees for programs at TSU are available at the Bursar's website. All programs in the Department of Public Administration are delivered 100% online. Out-of-state students taking only online courses may be eligible for the TSU eRate, which is lower than regular out-of-state tuition rates. Please learn more about this possibility at the Bursar's website and at the TSU Out Of State eRate page. Note that students are responsible to verify promptly each semester that they have been assessed the proper rate for their situation and resolve any issues before Day 14 of the Semester with the Bursar Office and TSU Global Online as needed.
IV. Scholarly engagement opportunities beyond coursework
- Our Public Service Research Brown Bag Series offers an opportunity for students to both learn about and present on current research, along with TSU faculty and other scholars.
- Our doctoral students have presented at scholarly conferences such as SECoPA, ABFM, ASPA, COMPA, and others.
- Periodically, the PhD program advisor holds an evening PhD Roundtable event for current and prospective PhD students.
- The Ph.D. program advisor communicates with current students via email about important opportunities and advising matters.
V. Routine program advising and course selection
ADVISING: The department chair provides registration advice for the first semester. Read the PhD in PPA section in the appropriate Graduate Catalog as well as this Handbook to prepare for advising. From that point on the Ph.D. program advisor is Dr. Alex Sekwat. You should arrange for program advising before taking your first course in the program and again before the end of your first semester. By the time you've completed 9 credits in the program at the latest, you should work with Dr. Sekwat to complete the program of study for PhD students. This form is essential for continuing in the program and ensuring that you have a coursework plan that has been approved by your advisor.
COURSE SELECTION: Use the PhD course rotation document to add in planning your program of study, in collaboration with program advisor Dr. Sekwat. The recommended sequence of courses depends on the semester in which program is begun and also your educational background (field of masters, since this may affect appropriate electives). Check in with Dr. Sekwat every semester before course selection to verify that your choices are appropriate and to complete any necessary paperwork to complete program benchmarks. Seeking advising regularly is your responsibility as a graduate student and will help to ensure a smooth path through the program. It is important to take each doctoral course when offered as waiting for the next scheduled offering which can delay program benchmarks, such as the preliminary exam, qualifying exam, prospectus defense, and dissertation phase.
REGISTRATION FOR REGULAR COURSES: Admitted students may access the course schedule and register for a semester's coursework in the myTSU system. That system is also where you access information about financial aid status, billing and student account, view your unofficial transcript, and see which programs you have been admitted to.
REQUESTING TO TAKE A BENCHMARK EXAM (Preliminary or Qualifying Exam): When you are eligible to take the preliminary exam, you must file the Request to take the PhD preliminary exam form with Dr. Sekwat at the beginning of the semester in which you want to take the exam (see Graduate Catalog for details on eligibility; you will have completed four 7000-level PhD PPA courses successfully (not counting 7140 if applicable). Review the section on Benchmark Exams for more information including the date of the exam each semester. Work with your dissertation chair to determine timing of your Qualifying Exam at the beginning of your last semester of coursework; see Graduate Catalog for details on eligibility and review FAQ in the section on Benchmark Exams for more details.
REGISTRATION FOR DISSERTATION RESEARCH CREDITS: How to register for dissertation research credits once admitted to candidacy
TUITION AND FEES; OUT-OF-STATE eRate: Tuition and fees for programs at TSU are available at the Bursar's website. All programs in the Department of Public Administration are delivered 100% online. Tennessee residency as defined by the University is required for in-state graduate tuition and fees. Out-of-state students taking only online courses may be eligible for the TSU graduate out-of-state eRate, which is lower than regular out-of-state graduate rates. Please learn more about this possibility at the Bursar's website and at the TSU Out Of State eRate page. Follow any instructions regarding qualification for the out-of-state eRate at the TSU Out Of State eRate page. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the proper rate was applied to the current semester's bill by monitoring their account carefully and following up promptly with the Bursar's office if needed. Tuition, fees, and eRate availability are determined at the University level and may change over time. Include your T-number in all correspondence with the Bursar or other University support units. [Out-of-state eRate graphic pdf]
TEXTBOOKS: Students should also budget for textbook purchases at the beginning of every semester for each of the 12 required courses in the doctoral program. As doctoral students seeking to become scholars in public policy and administration, you should plan to purchase your books rather than rent them because you will be building and drawing upon this professional library throughout your studies including the benchmark exams and the dissertation phase.
PAYMENT AND PENALTIES FOR DROPPING/WITHDRAWING: Payment due dates are available at the Bursar's website. Dropping (without adding a replacement) or withdrawing from a class starting on the first day of the semester on incurs a penalty that increases over time; see Bursar's site for prorate schedule. Note that withdrawing before the withdrawal deadline in the Academic Calendar means you will get a W on your transcript for that course -- but depending on exactly when you withdrew during the semester, you may still be charged for part or all of the tuition and fees for that course (Bursar's prorate schedule.) It is the student's responsibility to monitor their student account and resolve any balance issues.
FINANCIAL AID: To use US federal financial aid in a given semester of graduate study in the department, at least two courses must be taken that semester. It is the student's responsibility to monitor their student email account and myTSU account records throughout the year for messages from Financial Aid, and to promptly complete any necessary steps which may apply (such as entrance counseling, Master Promissory Note, or other requirements to receive and accept a loan for a given semester.) Always be aware of the terms of any loan accepted for graduate study, the applicable annual and aggregate limits given your situation, and the effect a decision to drop or withdraw from, or repeat a class or poor academic performance may have on your aid and balance owed. All questions regarding financial aid should be directed to the Financial Aid office (include your T-number) (contact).
https://www.tnstate.edu/financial_aid/cpos.aspx. Federal financial aid will NOT PAY for any courses not showing as part of your program of study in DegreeWorks (access via DegreeWorks link under Student Services in myTSU; it is farther down than Banner Services link). While some common substitutions an advisor may make have been coded into the system, less common substitutions have not. Additionally, certain courses/scenarios may not be accurately assessed by the system. It is the student's responsibility to check DegreeWorks after registering and after any change in registration to check if any registered courses are showing as "Fall Through" or “Additional Courses” (these are the course(s) that will generate a CPOS alert/flag in the financial aid system) -- those courses will NOT be covered for by financial aid unless proper, prompt action is taken. Furthermore, if a CPOS alert on one course drops your financial aid-eligible enrollment" below 6 credits, NO financial aid can be released even if the second course is in CPOS because Federal financial aid requires graduate students to be taking at least six credits. You must check DegreeWorks after every registration OR change in registration to make sure no current courses are listed under "Fall Through" or "Additional Courses" (look below the Major Requirements section). If you see any courses in those areas, contact Dr. Streams immediately at mstreams@tnstate.edu; she will advise you if it is not the right course to take or else request the Graduate School to code in the substitution in DegreeWorks. Once the change is made in DegreeWorks, it can take up to two full business days for it to reflect in CPoS so do not delay. You should also check your CPoS record in myTSU>Banner Services>Financial Aid [tab]>CPoS - Course program of study [link]. CPoS should show your current registrations – verify that it shows the same total of aid eligible credits as you are enrolled (both must be 6 or more to receive any aid). If there is a difference between the two totals, you need to seek advising right away just like with the Fall-through class in DegreeWorks. All issues must be resolved well before Day 14 into the fall or spring semester (weekends count) because after Day 14, financial aid enrollment is "frozen." The equivalent freeze date comes earlier in summer terms (ask Financial Aid for exact date); yet another reason to get any issues resolved before the first day of classes every time. Costs begin to accrue Day 1 of every semester.
USING STATE OF TENNESSEE FEE WAIVERS (state employees only): Students wishing to use a state fee waiver to pay for a course must email the completed fee waiver with all signatures directly to bursar@tnstate.edu before class start, and never more than 14 days after semester start. Late waivers will not be processed and you will be responsible for your balance. A new waiver must be submitted EVERY semester -- they do not "roll over." Put "State Fee Waiver" in the subject header of your message to the Bursar's office. Include your name and T-number in the message with the attached waiver. Double-check to make sure you sent the waiver attached. Save a copy of your sent message for your records. Waivers sent soon after registration opens should post to your student account in myTSU by a few weeks before classes start; if not, follow up promptly with bursar@tnstate.edu. If you registered and sent a waiver close to the start of classes, check your myTSU student account daily to make sure it posts. It should post within a few days of sending in that case. It is the student's responsibility to send the fee waiver in a timely fashion prior to semester start, and it is the student's responsibility to verify that it posts properly to the student account. Do not wait till late in a semester or the next semester to try to resolve an issue -- waiver issues must be resolved promptly in the beginning of the semester of use. Questions should be sent to bursar@tnstate.edu; visit the Bursar's website. The current state policy and FAQ on the fee waiver is available at THEC's website. Waivers may only be used for one non-overlapping course per regular semester, summer 10-week, or summer 5-week term unless a special state exemption applies based on your state position. If the exemption applies, your HR person must indicate that on the waiver, when they sign it (see the state policy). No one, with or without the exemption, may take more than 4 classes per year with a waiver. It is the student's responsibility to know the current state policy as it applies to their situation and register for classes accordingly. Error or delay in filing the waiver with the Bursar office will result in the student bearing liability for the course, and may prevent further registration as well as access to grades and transcripts until the balance is paid. Here is a graphic pdf version of fee waiver tips.
VI. Advising related to committee composition, prospectus development and dissertation research
- Once a student has successfully passed the preliminary exam (which should be taken after successful completion of the first four 7000-level courses, not counting 7140 if taken) the process of building the advisory PhD dissertation committee begins. The Chair and committee members will play an important role in the student's further development as a scholar, particularly as progress is made towards the prospectus and dissertation research. For details on composition of the committee, please read this FAQ on the selection and role of the PhD Dissertation Committee.
VII. Benchmark exams: Preliminary Exam and Qualifying Exam
Dates of PhD exams
FAQ on PhD exams
- Form | Request to take the PhD preliminary exam ; due at beginning of semester in which you plan to take the exam
Sample questions for preliminary exam . Students preparing for the preliminary exam can get an idea of the types of questions eligible to be asked with this list. Students who entered under the current program design (prelim/qualifying exams) who have passed the preliminary exam, completed doctoral coursework and are taking the qualifying exam take a specifically designed exam developed by members of their committee, as described in the Graduate Catalog . Therefore sample questions that are "generic" cannot be provided for that benchmark exam.
Students offer advice
VIII. Preparing to graduate
- Please read this detailed FAQ on preparing to graduate. Important points are summarized below, but full information is in the FAQ.
- If you are planning to graduate in the upcoming semester, you must apply online inside myTSU to notify the Graduate School of your plans and to trigger degree audit. Apply by Oct. 15 (Fall semester graduate), Mar. 15 (Spring semester graduate), Jul. 15 (Summer semester graduate). Apply to graduate inside that system separately for
program you plan to complete
(including certificate if applicable).
Check the Graduate School graduation information website
for deadline. Application is mandatory whether or not you plan to attend Commencement ceremonies; instructions on how to apply to graduate are available. If you have any problems registering to graduate for all program(s) you are completing, contact your advisor immediately.
Visit the TSU commencement site to obtain important information on the "Grad Finale" which you must attend to get fitted for cap and gown; this event typically occurs before mid-semester) as well as on Commencement exercises themselves. Commencement ceremonies are held only in May and in December. In May, the ceremony for graduate students may be held at a different time than the undergraduate ceremonies; the site will have these details.