Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (B.S.)

Providing a Solid Foundation

The Criminal Justice curriculum contains a broad range of courses including Police Science, Social Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Law designed to equip students for work in the field of criminal justice.  The Department's wide range of academic courses are intended to achieve the following major objectives:

  • Provide students with an academic, ethical, and legal foundation for employment opportunities within the criminal justice field
  • Foster the following knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs):

      > good communication skills (written and oral)
      > improved critical thinking (problem solving and reflective judgment)
      > sharpen moral reasoning
      > deepen the appreciation and complexity of living in a more global society

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The administration of justice is an endemic and critical issue that confronts any free society. There are continual demands for more and better-trained law enforcement officers, court administrators, and correctional personnel.

Our curriculum is designed to provide you with the knowledge you will need to understand the institutions of the criminal justice process (police, courts, and corrections) and the administration of justice. You will acquire an understanding of the various components of the formal criminal justice process, endemic and emerging issues in Criminal Justice, and many of the incongruities in the justice system. Additionally, you will be taught how to critically assess some of the major controversial issues in policing, courts, corrections, and administration.

You will study Criminology, Victimology, Police Science, Sociology, Psychology, Research Methods and other courses specifically designed to improve your understand of the etiology of crime, society's response to crime, and policy issues in the administration of justice. This curriculum will lead you to reevaluate your views of justice, the criminal justice system, and society in general.

Noted criminologist James Q. Wilson stated once that "It may turn out that a free society cannot really prevent crime. Perhaps its causes are locked so deeply into the human personality, the intimate processes of family life, and the subtlest aspects of the popular culture that coping is the best that we can hope for". Perhaps so, but our goal is to equip and prepare students so that they are on the cutting edge of the developments that have the best chance of "coping" with those challenges.

The TSU Approach

At Tennessee State, we balance course instruction between theory and practice. We use a variety of approaches to give you the theoretical and practical framework you need, including labs, field trips, symposiums, internship opportunities, expert guest speakers and more. Classes emphasize critical thinking, careful discussion, analysis, diversity of viewpoints, and student interaction.



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Criminal Justice