Associate of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene

Preparing You for a Variety of Dental Job Opportunities

The two-year entry-level Associate of Applied Science (AAS) program prepares the graduate for a variety of job opportunities.  A Dental Hygienist may render services in various health care delivery settings. These settings include private dental offices, public schools, public health programs, professional schools, hospitals or the armed forces.  The opportunity to practice in other nations is consistent with the increasing need for Dental Hygienists worldwide. 

TSU AAS Dental Hygiene Curriculum Map


In addition to University admission requirements, applicants to the two-year AAS degree program must meet the following program requirements to be considered for admission:

  1. A minimum high school average of 2.5  on a 4.0 scale.

  2. One year of high school algebra, biology, and chemistry.  If you were deficient in any of these courses we will accept one semester at the college level. 

  3. A minimum college average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

  4. A composite score of 19 or better on the ACT, or an equivalent score on the SAT (980).

  5. One semester of English composition at the college level.*

  6. One semester of Microbiology with lab/Bacteriology at the college level.*

  7. Anatomy & Physiology I and II with their respective labs at the college level.* 

  8. General Chemistry with lab I at the college level.*

  9. One letter of recommendation from a science teacher describing the applicant's potential for success in the Dental Hygiene curriculum.**

  10. One character recommendation describing the applicant's potential for success in a Dental Hygiene curriculum i.e., from coach, church member etc. 

  11. A brief autobiographical sketch in the applicant's handwriting.

  12. ATDH regisration conducted online. Acceptable range 200-500. Progream Benchmark 300

  13. TOEFL EXAM (If Applicable) 
  14. A personal interview will be scheduled for the competitive applicants.

  15. Once admitted into the program, a complete health examination report on the official forms provided by the Department of Dental Hygiene downloadable from this site.

  16. Once admitted into the program, a criminal background check will be required of all applicants attending select external site rotations.

*Anatomy and Physiology I and II and Microbiology/Bacteriology and their respective labs must have been taken within the last 5 years upon applying for the programAll prerequisite courses must be completed prior to seeking admissions to TSU or program.  Requirements must be completed and passed with a minimum grade of C or better for consideration for acceptance into the program.   Competitive candidates typically earn higher grades than the minimum required.

**If the applicant has had a long period of absence from an academic program, references from employers, counselors, or other community, leaders who know the applicant, may substitute for references from science teachers.

Admission into Dental Hygiene is required prior to enrolling in any Dental Hygiene Courses.

Accreditation Status

The Tennessee State University Dental Hygiene Associate of Applied Science Degree Program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611, (312) 440-4653.

Telephone Numbers to Remember
(All numbers are in area code 615 and begin with prefix 963)

 Dental Hygiene


 College of Health Sciences






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Direct correspondence to our Admissions Coordinator:

Prof. Illeana Brandt

Tennessee State University is committed to the education of a non-racially identifiable student body.

Statement of Affirmative Action 

Tennessee State University, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in any of its policies or procedures. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance with these materials should contact the Department of Dental Hygiene.


View Bachelors Degree

Upon completing the Associates Degree, you will have a chance to pursue our Bachelor "Degree Completion" which adds an extra two years (approximately) of additional study. You must have completed the Associates and be a licensed Dental Hygienist in order to enter this program.

The Bachelor of Science "Degree Completion" program is a one to two-year completion program.  This Online program, turns your existing AAS in Dental Hygiene degree, into a baccalaureate degree in Dental Hygiene.  It puts you on the  foundational path to Corporate dentistry, Public Health dentistry, and Dental Hygiene Educator or Dental Public Health Administrator just to name a few.

“Tennessee State University's Bachelor of Sciences Degree Completion (BSDC) program has been APPROVED and is recognized by THEC for online delivery.  This program is fully accredited.

If you have questions please contact Ms. Diya Ghosh, Senior Office Assistant at 615-963-5801. 

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Dental Hygiene