Dr. Fadi Fawaz


Department: Economics and Finance
Associate Professor
Development Economics and Economic Growth, Monetary Economics, Environmental and Energy Economics, International Economics, International Trade, Econometrics (Statistics, Forecasting and Modeling)

Office: Avon Williams Building J404
Phone: 615.963.7337
Email: ffawaz@tnstate.edu

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Publications and Awards

Fadi Fawaz, Ph.D., has taught economics for more than fifteen years and has private industry experience as a consultant and upper level management. He is currently a Professor of Economics and Finance at Tennessee State University. His previous positions were at Texas Tech University, The University of South Florida, DePauw University and the University of Jamestown. Dr. Fadi Fawaz has published research at some of the most prestigious journals, such as Applied Economics, Applied Economics Quarterly, and Eastern Economic Journal. His primary areas of interest are
Economic Growth/Development and Econometrics.

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