The 124-acre Agricultural Research and Education Center is located approximately 5 miles southeast of Ashland City, TN on the banks of the Cumberland River. The center is a teaching and learning facility with applied research in agroforestry, aquaculture, small ruminant management, vegetable and small fruit production, pesticide storage and handling, post-harvest handling. It boasts 20 greenhouses, a Learning Pavilion, and educational classrooms.
Our Goals
- Provide innovative educational programs and leadership to all Tennesseans
- Provide applied research information on alternative agriculture to all farmers
- Provide cutting-edge technology
- Provide an outdoor classroom environment for hands-on-learning for youth
- Meet the changing needs of clientele
Replicated Applied Research Trials
- Pigeon peas
- Canola
- Soil health
- Dexter Cattle
- Meat Goat Research
- Hemp Research
- Alternative Vegetables (bitter melon, tinda, Miracle Fruit)
- Organic vegetables
Soil Maps of Ashland City AREC
Engagement Vision
The Agricultural Research Education Center in Cheatham County is centrally located in a 10-county mid-Tennessee region that is rapidly changing. While the focus is on sustainable agriculture and natural resources, the long-term goal is to offer classes, learning, and engagement opportunities meeting the needs of the surrounding mid-state counties. When the master plan is completed, we provide up to 180 programming days a year for school groups, college students, individuals, organizations, farmers, master gardeners, homeowners, out-of-state visitors, etc.
Current Educational Programs
The Agricultural Research Education Center is currently used for a variety of educational programs, including the following:
4H SET Outdoor Classroom
An Agricultural and Environmental Discovery Experimental-Learning Program Designed to Support Teaching/Learning Goals for Elementary, Middle and High Schools
Recommended Learning Stations:
- Water Resources - E
- Soils- E
- Small Fruits and Vegetables - Ag
- Agro forestry- Ag
- Small Ruminants - Ag
- Ornamental Horticulture - E
- Organic Agriculture - Ag
- Wildlife/Nature Trail - E
- Weather Bug - E
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - O
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development - O
- Leadership and Team Building – O
Ag – Agricultural Stations (4); E – Environmental Stations (5); O – other Stations (3)
Key Principles
- Hands on learning in outdoor setting
- Reinforce science/engineering/technology and other competency learning standards for public schools
- Environmental Education Pavilion
- Challenge/ Ropes Course for leadership and team building
- US Army Corps of Engineers Nature Trail
- Applied Research/Extension Demonstrations
- Supportive of Agriculture in the Classroom
The Future
A master plan has been developed that include plans for the following:
- Conference Center
- Pesticide Storage Facility
- Learning Pavilions
- Equipment Storage Shed/Shop
- Greenhouses
- Redesign of Entrance and Transportation Loop
- Map of Agricultural Research Education Center
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm CT
Saturday, Sunday– Closed (unless otherwise announced)
AREC -- Main Campus 1523 Ed Temple Blvd. Nashville, TN 37209
AREC -- Cheatham County 3101 River Road Ashland City, TN 37015
Contact Us
Dr. Roger Sauve
(615) 963- 5828
Robert Reagan
Cooperative Extension Program 3101 River Road Ashland City, TN 37015
Tennessee Department of Agriculture