Applied Economics, Agricultural Finance, Agribusiness Research

Dr. Khanal is an associate professor in the department of Agricultural Business and Education and works in a variety of research areas in agricultural and applied economics. His research has primarily focused on agricultural finance, production economics, risk management of farm households, food security, technology adoption and impacts, and economic development. He has worked in the areas of food demand analysis and consumer behavior, economics of food safety, land use, productivity analysis, and factors influencing farmer's decisions in insurance, marketing, and crop choice. His research activities has resulted nearly 80 research publications including peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, referred conference papers, proceedings, and research reports. He has presented his papers and has served as organizer, moderator and panelist of national and international professional conferences. He also serves as an associate editor, topic editor, and reviewer for selected journals in the discipline of agricultural and applied economics. Dr. Khanal has received around 3.6 million extramural grant funds as PI and Co-PI. 

word cloud for agricultural economicsAs an agricultural economist, Dr. Khanal is interested in determining profitable and risk minimized practices for large and small farms, predictive and analytical models, farm and food business and entrepreneurship for different farm types, factors influencing farm household's decisions in land use, technology adoption, capital structure, credit, government programs and their effects on farm, productivity, household incomes and food security. Dr. Khanal has served as a major advisor of 10 graduate students and have guided them towards graduation with thesis. Dr. Khanal has taught applied microeconomics in agribusiness (grad level), agribusiness management and market analysis (grad level), agribusiness strategy (grad level), international trade and marketing (grad level) and agricultural finance (undergrad level) classes. Currently, Dr. Khanal also serves as a Graduate Program Coordinator in the department.