Simbarashe Kanjanda


Simbarashe Kanjanda

Research Interest:

Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD), Modeling & Simulation of Dynamic Systems, Hurricane Storm Surge Model Development, Thermal Energy, Hydraulic systems Design and Quality,


  • PhD, Computer and Information Systems Engineering
  • M.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, Tennessee State University, USA, 2016.
  • B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Tennessee State University, USA, 2013.

Professional Experience:

  • Graduate Research Assistant, Tennessee State University, (August 2014 -current).
  • Program Coordinator, Health Care Systems (2007-2014).


  1. Akbar, Muhammad K., Simbarashe Kanjanda, and Abram Musinguzi. "Effect of Bottom Friction, Wind Drag Coefficient, and Meteorological Forcing in Hindcast of Hurricane Rita Storm Surge Using SWAN+ ADCIRC Model." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 5.3 (2017): 38.


  1. Simbarashe Kanjanda and Muhammad Akabar, “Simulation of Hurricane Induced Storm Surge Using an Implicit Solver Model CaMELSWE”, Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference, February 2015.
  2. Simbarashe Kanjanda and Muhammad Akabar, “Comparison of parallel version of CaMELSWE and ADCIRC models for a tidal forcing case.,” TSU 36th Annual University-Wide Research Symposium, April, 2015.
  3. Simbarashe Kanjanda and Muhammad Akabar, “Effect of Bottom Friction and Surface Roughness in Hurricane Storm Surge Simulation Using ADCIRC+SWAN Model,” Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference, February 2016.
  4. Simbarashe Kanjanda and Muhammad Akabar, “Effect of Bottom Friction, Surface Roughness and Meteorological Forcing in Hurricane Storm Surge Simulation Using ADCIRC and SWAN+ADCIRC Models,” 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14), June 2016.