CI2 Study Abroad


CI2: TSU Without Borders

Most often, scheduling, finances, and even fear make it difficult for students to take part in a traditional study-abroad experience. Yet, cultural immersion is vitally important to enhance a student’s knowledge and perspective of the world, experience with intercultural education and use their skill sets to become competitive and successful in a global society.

Furthermore, the American Council on Education suggests that America’s future depends on our ability to develop a citizenry that is globally competent. In order to do this we need to be:

  • COMFORTABLE in dealing with cultural differences;
  • COMPETENT in bringing our disciplinary backgrounds to bear in an international setting; and
  • CONFIDENT in our ability to make a difference in such a context.

From this belief of integrating study abroad opportunities in the curriculum, Tennessee State University developed the Cultural Immersion Initiative or CI2. This initiative seeks to challenge the students through ten (10) days of intense research, studying, sharing and social activities. Students are expected to adapt quickly to unfamiliar cultures and should possess strong personal objectives for their experience. Colleges and Universities that have approved Memorandum of Understandings with TSU work with the Office of Diversity and International Affairs (ODIA) to develop a program and curriculum for the experience.

At TSU, CI2 is offered as a special topics course that students can take during spring break or other designated times throughout the semester. The course is designed to provide the student with a cultural and academic exchange experience. Each student is paired with a student from another country and expected to participate in an intense research project aligned with a specific theme developed by the professor. Activities are planned to promote understanding and awareness so that every student will have a global perspective and be able to use their expertise to solve real world problems across interdisciplinary and national boundaries.

The course is discussion and activity-based, with some lectures led by the instructor, special guests, and students. Therefore, attendance and active participation in class and with guest lectures are expected. There are group activities, group reflections, group discussions, individual/group reports/papers. Students must also maintain a journal of reflections describing the academic, personal, and civic understandings that grow out of participation in the cultural exchange project.

Phase I - March 11-17, 2013 with Gediz University (Turkey) in Nashville, TN
Phase II - January 10-19, 2014 with Universidad De Antiioquia (Colombia) in Medellin
Phase III- March 8-17, 2014 with Universidad De Antiioquia (Colombia) in Nashville, TN
Phase IV - May 31 - June 8, 2014 with Institucion UniversitariaBellas Artes yCiencias (Colombia) in Nashville, TN
Phase V - August 1 - August 11 with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) in Bogota
Phase VI - May 31 - January 2015 with Institucion UniversitariaBellas Artes yCiencias (Colombia) in Cartagena
Phase VII - March 2015 with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) in Nashville, TN

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