Jill E. Anderson

Jill Anderson Photo

Associate Professor 
Department of Languages, Literature and Philosophy


Ph.D.,University of Mississippi
MA, University of Mississippi
BA, Purdue University

313 Jackson


Dr. Jill E. Anderson is an associate professor in English. She teaches English 1010 and 1020 (with a food studies or digital citizenship/media literacy theme) as well as American Literature, Women’s Studies, and Honors courses. Dr. Anderson's work has appeared in Women's Studies, Margaret Atwood Studies, Media + Enviornment, and the Journal of Ecocriticism. Her dissertation was on queer ecology and the literature of the 1960s, and she published her book Homemaking for the Apocalypse: Domestic Horror in Atomic Age Media and Literature, in 2021 and co-edited Beyond the Haunted House: Shirley Jackson and Domesticity in 2020. Her other research interests include queer theory, ecofeminism and environmental justice,  literature of the American suburb, Cold War scifi and horror fiction, and Shirley Jackson. Dr. Anderson serves as advisor for the Genders & Sexualities Alliance. She is currently at work on an essay collection of critical approaches to "The Golden Girls." Her non-academic activities include practicing all styles of yoga, throwing pottery, sewing, weaving, hiking, running, biking, baking, cuddling kittens, and thrifting.

Selected Academic and/or Popular Press Publications

"'Murder, She Wrote''s Regionalism: Jessica Goes South." Essay in forthcoming collection. 

"Her Body and Other Ghosts: Embodied Horror in Shirley Jackson and Carmen Maria Machado." Article in forthcoming issue of Monstrum: A Horror Journal. 

"Greening Guilt: Gender and Sustainable Influencing." In The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect. Ed. Todd W. Reeser. Routledge, 2022. 

“‘pack in. pack out. and pack your heels hunni’: Ecodrag and Ecoqueer Instagram.” In Media + Environment special issue “Men & Nature.” Vol. 4, No. 2, Fall 2022.  

“‘Eat Dirt and Die, Trash’: Tacky White Southerners in Murder, She Wrote & The Golden Girls.” In The Tacky South. Ed. Monica Miller and Katharine A. Burnett. LSU Press, November 2022.

Homemaking for the Apocalypse: Domesticating Horror in the Atomic Age Literature and Media. (Routledge, April 2021).

“Homemaking for the Apocalypse: Queer Failures and Bunker Mentality in The   Sundial.” In Shirley Jackson & Domesticity: Beyond the Haunted House. Ed. Jill E. Anderson and Melanie R. Anderson. Bloomsbury, June 2020.

Co-editor of: Shirley Jackson & Domesticity: Beyond the Haunted House, Bloomsbury, June 2020.

"Nature Boys & Bears in Pants: Ecoqueer Hybrid Heroes in Atomic Age Comics.”  Gender and Environment in Science Fiction. Ed. Christy Tidwell and Bridgette Barclay. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, forthcoming.

“The Revenge of the Lawn: The Awful Agency of Uncontained Plant Life in Ward Moore’s Greener Than You Think and Thomas Disch’s The Genocides.” Plant Horror: Approaches to the Monstrous Vegetal in Fiction & Film. Ed. Dawn Keetley and Angela Tenga. New York: Palgrave MacMillian, November 2016.

 “‘The whole imprisoning wasteland beyond’: Forces of Nature, Ableism, and the Suburban Crip in Midcentury Literature.” Disability and the Environment in American Literature: Toward an Ecosomatic Paradigm. Ed. Matthew J.C. Cella. Lanham, MD: Lexington, October 2016.

“‘You should be a big enough guy now’: Homosocial Bonds and Wilderness Masculinity in Ken Kesey’s Sometimes A Great Notion.” Outside: New Examinations of the Environment in Popculture. Ed. Johannes Springer and Thomas Doren. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag, September 2016.

“The Haunting of Fun Home: Shirley Jackson and Alison Bechdel’s Queer Gothic Neodomesticity.” Shirley Jackson, Confluences and Influences. Ed. Melanie Anderson and Lisa Sloan Kroger. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, June 2016.

"...the element that shaped me, that I shape by being in...": Alternative Natures in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and The Edible Woman." This Book is an Action: Feminist Print Culture and Activist Aesthetics. Ed. Jaime Harker and Cecilia Konchar Farr. Champaign, IL: U of Illinois P, 2015.

"'Blown away like apples by the fickle wind of the Twentieth Century': Counterculture Resistance and the Wilderness Condition in Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America." Ecozon@ 4.1 (2013): 12-29.

"A Roundtable Discussion on Queer Ecopsychology." The European Journal of Ecopsychology 3 (2012).

"The Sexual Politics of Eat(ing): Queerness and Consumption in Margaret Atwood's The Edible Woman." Margaret Atwood Studies 5.1 (2012).

"Warm blood and live semen and rich marrow and wholesome flesh!": A Queer Ecological Reading of Christopher Isherwood's A Single Man. The Journal of Ecocriticism 3.1 (2011): 51-66.

Selected Conference Presentations

Presenter of "Eat Dirt and Die, Trash: Tacky White Southernness in The Golden Girls and Murder, She Wrote" at American Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 2018

Organizer of "Shirley Jackson & Domesticity" at American Literature Association's Conference, San Francisco, May 2018

Presenter of "Powder Kegs & Wisteria(s): Portrayals of Southern Whiteness in Murder, She Wrote" at Modern Language Association's Conference, New York City, January 2018

Organizer and Chair of “Public/Private: Navigating the Materiality of Home Economics” at American Studies Association Conference, Denver, November 2016

Organizer and Chair of “‘When Shall We Live if Not Now?': Reassessing Shirley Jackson” at American Literature Association Conference, San Francisco, May 2016

Organizer and chair of “Bodies in Bondage: Environments in Women’s Neo-Captivity Narratives” and presenter of “‘The whole imprisoning wasteland beyond’: Forces of Nature and Ableism in Midcentury Literature of Suburbia” at Society for the Study of American Writers Conferences, Philadelphia, November 2015

Presenter of "Unconventional Families and the End of Man: Shirley Jackson's The Sundial" at Louisville Conference for Literature and Culture since 1900, Louisville, KY, February 2014

Organizer and Presenter of "Not Just Trout Fishing: Richard Brautigan's Environments" at ASLE's Convention in Lawrence, KS, May 2013. Presented paper entitled: "'We're on a conveyor belt': Countercultural Marriage and Alternative Reproductions in Richard Brautigan's The Abortion"

"The Urban Eclogue as Social and Gender Commentary in Sandra Hochman's Manhattan Pastures" at Modern Language Association's Convention in Boston, January 2013

Organizer and Presenter of "Digging the Scene/Digging the Earth: The Beats and Ecocriticism" Panel at ASLE's Convention in Bloomington, IN, June 2011. Presented paper entitled: "'Blown away like apples by the fickle wind of the Twentieth Century': The Wilderness Condition in Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America"

Organizer and Presenter of "The Nature of Culinary Choices: The Rhetoric and Discourse of Foodways and the Environment" Panel at American Studies Association's Convention in San Antonio, TX, November 2010. Presented paper entitled: "Clean, Fair, and Queer: Notes toward an Oppositional Ecology of Food"

Classes Taught at TSU
Engl 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120, 3690, 4994, WMST 2100, Honr 1011, 1012
Selected University Committees, Campus Groups
Tiger Mentors, TSU Faculty Senate Library Committees, College of Liberal Arts Research and Creative Scholarship Committee and Awards Committee