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Message from the Dean

Dear Student,
The College of Life and Physical Sciences is extremely excited about your return to campus. We have truly missed you! I am looking forward to a productive year working with each of you to achieve your highest potential. Every day at Tennessee State University we are committed to providing the best education for our students in the College of Life and Physical Sciences. Please know that the College of Life and Physical Sciences faculty and staff eagerly awaits your return to the “Land of Golden Sunshine”. Should you have questions about your specific program of study, please contact Dr. Sujata Guha(Chemistry) at sguha@tnstate.edu, Dr. Michael Reed(Mathematics) at mreed4@tnstate.edu, and Dr. Artenzia Young-Seigler(Biology) at ayoung@tnstate.edu. They will provide support and guidance.
A few things to remember before you return:
- Contact your advisor.
- Complete your registration.
- Complete your housing request.
- Complete all financial aid forms.
I know that you must be as excited as I am to begin the semester. I am really looking forward to seeing you back on campus for a rewarding semester and school year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you encounter any problems as you prepare to return to campus.
Nolan B. McMurray, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
College of Life and Physical Sciences
If you need assistance registering, the Academic Success Center is available to help