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Photonics and Quantum Information Lab (PhotonicsQ)
Description: Photonics and Quantum Information Lab The Photonics and Quantum Information Lab is dedicated to pioneering research at the forefront of photonics and quantum science. Equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation—including ultrafast laser spectroscopy, pump-probe setups, second harmonic generation (SHG), confocal Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, spectral ellipsometry, and electrical probe stations—the lab pushes the boundaries of modern materials science.
Our research focuses on understanding the optical properties, carrier dynamics, emission processes, transitions, and relaxation mechanisms of advanced quantum materials, nanomaterials, 2D materials, and multifunctional materials. Applications range from photovoltaics and sensing to next-generation quantum information systems.
Guided by a mission to explore and innovate in photonics and quantum materials, the Photonics and Quantum Information Lab contributes significantly to emerging areas in energy and quantum computing. In alignment with the TIGER Institute’s mission and objectives, as well as the establishment of the Materials Science Program, the lab stands poised to shape the future of materials science and quantum information technologies.