Tennessee State University is a world-class university known for academic excellence, incredible students, inspiring faculty, exceptional value and an amazing campus and community. We invite you to learn more about TSU and our academic programs, admissions process, tuition and financial aid, campus visits, student housing and more.
Tennessee State University is dedicated to helping students develop the skills needed for the real world. Our vibrant campus life, leadership opportunities, rigorous academic programs, access to scholarships and student services are just a few of the student services we offer. We are preparing career-ready professionals today for knowledge-based jobs tomorrow. The Tiger legacy continues with you.
TSU loves parents! And we encourage you to stay involved with your Tennessee State University student. We strive to make the transition to college and beyond flow as smoothly as possible for everyone. We'll keep you up-to-date on campus happenings through a monthly eNewsletter, a helpful Parent Guide and through many other programs and events. We're here to help you and your student make the most out of your TSU experience.
At Tennessee State University, our blood runs blue! We enjoy connecting, socializing and sharing news about the great things our alumni are doing across the globe. From our annual Homecoming celebration to donor events and volunteer activities, TSU alumni always find time to celebrate what it means to be a Big Blue Tiger. We welcome you back to campus anytime to rekindle your most memorable experiences.
Welcome to Tennessee State University, located in the heart of Nashville, one of the nation's most progressive cities! Whether you are here for your first visit, planning a campus tour or returning after many years away, TSU welcomes you to enjoy our facilities, hospitality and our unique history and contributions.
Tennessee State University is proud to have 1,200 distinguished administrators, faculty and staff members as part of our team. With outstanding reputations for teaching, research and service, these professionals make valuable contributions to our community of scholars and ensure that TSU is a thriving public institution of higher learning.
Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
What is ALEC?
Welcome to Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC). Our programs and faculty are housed in the Department of Agricultural Business and Education in the College of Agriculture. Our degree programs in Agricultural Communications, Agricultural Leadership, or Agricultural Education will move you to the front of the line for good paying, high demand jobs in our industry.
Agricultural Leadership - Agricultural leadership utilizes a multidisciplinary curriculum to help graduates be successful both professionally and personally. Graduates are prepared for leadership positions in local, state, regional, and national groups, organizations, and agencies that are involved in the agricultural industry.
Agricultural Education - Agricultural education focuses on the teaching and learning process in both formal classrooms and other settings. A broad understanding of agriculture is required so that students will be able to communicate effectively agricultural information to a variety of audiences.
Agricultural Communication - Agricultural communication graduates integrate communication theories and technologies to report agricultural information to audiences such as consumers, legislators, homeowners, farmers, agribusinesses, commodity groups, and governmental agencies.
If you'd like more information about our programs in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, just CLICK HERE to enter some personal information and we'll send it out to you asap.
What Are the Career Possibilities?
Following are some sample careers students from our degree option have entered:
Consultant, Extension Agent, Extension Specialist
Agricultural Educator/Teacher
Professor, Human Resources Specialist
Business Manager
Training and Development Officer
Social Scientists
Program Leader/Coordinator
Marketing Specialist
Educational Supervisor
Farm/Ranch Manager
International Agriculture Consultant
Production Agriculture Manager
Sales/service Representative
Wildlife Educator
Museum or Zoo Educator
Natural Resources Officer
Agritourism Manager/Educator
Marketing Communications Manager
District Sales Representatives
Advertising Manager
Reporter, Editor
News Producer
If you want to learn more about our exciting field and the awesome career availability, contact Dr. John Ricketts at jricket1@tnstate.edu.
What Is It Like to Be a Student in ALEC?
In ALEC, we are a family. You'll take most of your courses with other ALEC students. Chances area you'll also be working with them during the week too. In ALEC we also place big value on leadership skills. Organizations that hire our students value those leadership skills too! You can develop your leadership skills through student organizations like Collegiate FFA/4-H. Leadership skills and competencies in your future career are also developed through student internships. Students have completed internships with the following organizations:
United States Department of Agriculture
County Extension Offices
County School Systems
Walt Disney World
Tennessee State University
What Courses Do I Take?
Click on the link below to see Degree Map for each Specialization.
Our faculty in ALEC are here for you, and we will do whatever we can to help you succeed. Contact us anytime.
One of the greatest things about our area of study is the job market. Check with our faculty for jobs in School-based Agricultural Education, Extension Education, and Leadership and Communications in the agriculture industry.