Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Institute

Preparing Students in Medicine & Dentistry

Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Institute White Coat Ceremony Fall 2024

The Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Institute, established by the Tennessee State University, is named for a most distinguished graduate of the University, Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. who became an outstanding physician, as a heart surgeon. He performed the first surgery to implant an automated cardioverter-defibrillator in a human patient in 1980. This surgery was a game changer in the field of cardiology. The device is still the first-line of treatment and prophylactic therapy for patients at risk for sudden cardiac death due to ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia.



“Service and joy; as you keep that in your heart, in your pulse, equity and opportunity will be easy.”

-Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr.

About the Program

Tennessee State University established the Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Institute in honor of this renowned heart surgeon and alumnus. The Institute is comprised of four components: Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Tennessee State University Medical/Dental Accelerated Pathway program; Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Society; Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Lecture Series; and Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Endowed Scholarship. 

About the Watkins Institute


The Institute is designed to recruit, train and prepare students for careers in medicine and dentistry.