Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Institute










The Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Institute and Scholarship Fund
The Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Institute and Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarships for outstanding high school graduates and enrolled students who meet the criteria for admission and choose a career in medicine or dentistry. Funds from this Scholarship Fund will support students enrolled in the Meharry Medical College – Tennessee State University Medical/Dental Accelerated Pathway Program, Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Health Care Scholars and Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Society

The Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in the Tennessee State University Foundation by Dr. Annie Marie Garraway, Sister of Dr. Watkins, Jr. Select members of the Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Medical/ Dental Accelerated Pathway Program and Pre-med Society will be awarded a scholarship on a competitive basis.

Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Accelerated Pathway Program Information Sessions
Join one of our virtual sessions to learn more about the Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. Accelerated Pathway Program and learn about how to become a doctor after earning your degree at Tennessee State University.





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