Degree Program


The degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is offered to students in the Accounting program.

The undergraduate accounting program is designed and offered to meet the needs of traditional and non-traditional students.  The general education and the College of Business requirements are contained in the University Catalog.  The accounting core, required of all majors, consists of the following classes:

ACCT 3110                 Intermediate Accounting I         

ACCT 3120                 Intermediate Accounting II       
ACCT 3140                 Cost Accounting       

ACCT 3070                 Federal Income Tax I         

ACCT 3200                 Accounting Information Systems            

ACCT 4230                 Auditing Theory       

BLAW 3230                Business Law I        

Majors have another 6 hours of electives that can be selected from the following courses*:

ACCT 3220                 Communications in Accounting

ACCT 4010                 Advanced Accounting

ACCT 4030                 Governmental/NFP Accounting

ACCT 4170                 Federal Income Tax II

ACCT 4800                 Accounting Internship

ACCT 4950                 Accounting Topics

ACCT 4960                 Accounting Tax Practicum

ACCT 4990                 Independent Study

ACCT 4800 and ACCT 4990 require approval of the Department Head.

9 hours if MATH 1830 was not completed





man with books
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