Dr. Hsin-yi (Shirley) Hsieh



Department: Accounting
Associate Professor and Interim Department Chair
Financial Accounting                              

Office: Avon Williams Building K418
Phone: 615.963.7165
Email: hhsieh@tnstate.edu

Bio Education Courses Taught Publications and Awards

Hisn-yi (Shirley) Hsieh, Ph.D., C.P.A., is an Assistant Professor of Accounting. She obtained her PhD in Accounting from the University of Oklahoma. Prior to joining TSU, she taught at Florida Atlantic University and worked in the areas of banking and corporate finance and reporting before pursuing her PhD. Professor Hsieh has taught financial accounting courses at different levels to both undergraduate and graduate students. She also conducts financial accounting research that examines the determinants and effects of financial reporting choices and voluntary disclosure.

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