Dr. Eva Jermakowicz



Department: Accounting
Financial Accounting, Management Accounting                  

Office: Avon Williams Building K422
Phone: 615.963.7052
Email: ejermakowicz@tnstate.edu

Bio Education Courses Taught Publications and Awards

Eva K. Jermakowicz, Ph.D., C.P.A., has taught accounting for more than twenty-five years and has served as a consultant to international organizations and businesses. She is currently a Professor of Accounting at Tennessee State University. Her previous positions were at the University of Southern Indiana and at Warsaw Tech University in Poland. Dr. Jermakowicz was a Fulbright scholar in Brussels, Belgium, for the academic year 2003-2004, where her project was "Convergence of National Accounting Standards with International Financial Reporting Standards." She was also a Fulbright scholar in Poland in 1997. She has consulted on international projects under the auspices of the World Bank, United Nations, IFC and Nicom Consulting, Ltd. Her primary areas of interest are international accounting and finance.

Dr. Jermakowicz is the co-author of International Financial Reporting Standards: A Framework-Based Perspective, Wiley IFRS 10: Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards and WileyIFRS Policies and Procedures. She has had numerous articles published in academic journals and proceedings, including Abacus, the Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Multinational Finance Journal, Journal of Accounting Education, Accounting Education: an international journal, CPA Journal, Journal of Accountancy, Financial Executive and Strategic Finance.

She is a member of many professional organizations, including the American Accounting Association, European Accounting Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, International Association for Accounting Education and Research, the Tennessee CPA Society, the Institute of Management Accountants and Fulbright Association.

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