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Summer Apprenticeship Program
(Unfortunately, No Summer Apprenticeship Program for 2025)
The 2024 College of Agriculture Summer Apprenticeship is a residential (on-campus) program.
We are accepting high school rising juniors, rising seniors, and graduating seniors for this year's program.
Upon successful completion of the program, $1,000.00 stipend may be awarded to those participants in the program. Students are encouraged to choose from the major/concentration areas in the College of Agriculture (see choices below).
Agricultural Sciences with concentrations in:
1. Agribusiness
2. Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
3. Biotechnology/Pre-Medicine
4. Environmental Sciences
5. Food and Animal Sciences/Pre-Veterinary Medicine/Pre-Medicine
Human Sciences with concentrations in:
1. Child Development and Family Studies
2. Fashion Merchandising
3. Food and Nutritional Sciences (Dietetics)
4. Food Service Management
5. Consumer Sciences Leadership, Education and Communication
Program participants are eligible and encouraged to apply for the following scholarships and financial assistance programs in the College of Agriculture:
1. USDA 1890 Farm Bill Scholarship
2. SunTrust Scholarship for Agribusiness Students
3. Dean's Scholars Program
How to Apply
The application deadline is May 1, 2024.
All applications are to be completed via the following link: SAP APPLICATION
For additional information, contact:
Dr. De'Etra Young
202 Agricultural Biotechnology Bldg.
Tennessee State University
College of Agriculture
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd
Nashville, TN 37209