Leadership Fellows


A unique opportunity for proven leaders who are active in FFA, 4-H, or other organizations.

Leadership Fellows offers a unique internship program that assists students with college expenses. This competitive program selects students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills in their student organization(s) in high school. Brochure available here.

Experiential Activities

  • Weekly research experience
  • Weekly reading, journaling, and reflection upon leadership applications gleaned from the internship, workshops, and seminars
  • Participation in monthly agricultural education seminars
  • Bi-annual participation in leadership development associations and conferences
  • Annual leadership development travel and service learning experiences

General Eligibility

  • Be an active member of a student chapter of a professional organization related to agricultural, family and human sciences
  • Be admitted to Tennessee State University
  • Seek a degree in Agricultural Sciences or Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Conduct undergraduate research
  • Actively engage in the Leadership Development Program

Application Instructions and Deadline