Message from the Dean

Welcome to the College of Agriculture

Chandra Reddy


Tennessee State University is a distinctive Land-Grant University located in the urban setting of Nashville, Tennessee. We are a people-friendly university that carries out the unique mission of the Land Grant system: teaching, research, and extension.  At TSU, we are also one of America’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), with a rich tradition and heritage, and a vibrant student body.

As part of a new vision, we have recently integrated research and Extension with the teaching functions of the College of Agriculture thus increasing the pool of our talented faculty to teach and mentor both undergraduate and graduate students. The College also offers many opportunities to undergraduate students to gain work experience through professional internships, work-aid, and service-learning programs. All of our graduate students are fully funded and have the opportunity to work not only with our faculty but with many USDA scientists and researchers of reputable private companies.

Our College welcomes both traditional and non-traditional students, and we help our students to go beyond the boundaries of the classroom by providing many opportunities for laboratory and field training.  Our faculty create a very friendly environment for learning by combining a passion for teaching with a passion for research and public service, including international service.

On our website you will find information about our programs of study, our faculty, our staff, and information about how to join us in the College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Sciences. 

If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach us by email or by telephone at 615-963-5438.


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and discover the heart of our exciting TSU Tiger community.

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P.O. Box 145
Nashville, TN 37209

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 Quick Links

Who's who in the Dean's Office

Executive Committee

Dean's Scholars Program

More information about
Dr. Reddy

Full resume of Dr. Reddy


Dr. Reddy and Dr. Hargrove share a moment at graduation.