Assessment Resources


Nuventive Solutions Assessment and Planning Management Software:

To support the collection and analysis of assessment data, and to promote its use in developing action strategies, Tennessee State University employs Nuventive Improve. This system streamlines the reporting of assessment plans and results.



Department Assessment Coordinator/Mentorship:

The department assessment coordinator is responsible for data collection and continuous improvement of assessment plans and activities for academic programs within their department to ensure compliance with accreditation requirements and drive curricular enhancements.

Assessment Coordinator Role and Timeline



Navigating the Nuventive Solutions Platform - Academic Program Units Training

Navigating the Nuventive Solutions Platform - Support and Service Units Training

Chair, Dean, Director, VP Approval Process




Certificate of High Performer for Outcomes Assessment

The Certificate of High Performer for Outcomes Assessment is awarded as a structure within the University’s assessment system to provide support and/or recognition for faculty and staff working to improve or advance their assessment practices.


  • College Level - colleges with no reports returned for revisions after the OIERPA completed evaluation based on the University's scoring rubric.
  • Program level - programs that scored Exemplary (5) on at least 4 out of 5 rubric items.
  • Division Level - divisions with no reports returned for revisions after the OIERPA completed evaluation based on the University's scoring rubric.
  • Unit/Department Level - those departments/units that scored In Compliance (3) on at least 4 out of 5 rubric items.


Professional Development Opportunities

In addition to the ongoing training provided by the Office of Assessment and Accreditation throughout the academic year, other campus events are periodically held for faculty and staff professional development as listed here.

TSU Assessment Cafe 2024, Key Note Speaker Dr. Amelia Parnell

TSU Assessment Day 2024, Key Note Speaker Dr. Natasha Jankowski

Using Assessment to Drive Quality Improvement in Administrative Units

TSU Assessment Day 2022

Six Steps to Learning Improvement

Integrating Assessment and Improvement for Administrative Units

Sampling for the Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Creating an Outcomes Assessment Plan

The Basics of Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment and Curriculum Mapping

Spring 2021 Faculty Development Workshop

TSU 2019 Assessment Day


External Resources

Next Generation Assessment Web Bites

 A Brief History of Assessment

Aligning Assessment with Institutional PrioritiesASim

A Simple Model for Learning Improvement: Weigh Pig, Feed Pig, Weigh Pig 

Using Assessment Results     

Non-academic and Support Staff - FAQs

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)

James Madison University Center for Assessment and Research Studies

Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education