
Upcoming Events and Registration

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Friday November 12, 2021


Business Analytics

Presented by Dr. Fadi Fawaz

Business analytics refers to: Taking in and processing historical business data. Analyzing that data to identify trends, patterns, and root causes. Making data-driven business decisions based on those insights

Business analytics help organizations to reduce risks. By helping them make the right decisions based on available data such as customer preferences, trends, and so on, it can help businesses to curtail short and long-term risk

The objective of this training is to help business owners learn how to use various statistical techniques to facilitate the making of business decisions and to help business owners in interpreting the results generated from the application of various statistical techniques.

You’ll learn how data analytics describe, predict, and inform business decisions in the specific areas of competition, finance, and operations, and you’ll develop basic data literacy and an analytic mindset that will help you make strategic decisions based on data.

All participants must be registered. Registration for Business Analytics Session ends November 6, 2021.


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