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Tips for Working Remotely

Stay Healthy & Productive, TSU!

Keep Daily Structure

tipsOur daily routine has been interrupted that’s obvious and it may seem hard or unnecessary to hold ourselves accountable and have some structure in our day.  However, having my lunchtime workouts and walks with my dog has honestly saved my energy, and it’s what brought me out of that funky burnout.  Without having incentives to keep structure on a daily basis it’s very easy to get sidetracked and lose track of time and days.  Keeping a daily structure helps your mental health during this tough time. Some routine that has helped me:

  • going to sleep and waking up around the same time,
  • picking up mail at the office,
  • working out at lunch,
  • and making sure weekends feel special such as taking my dog to a watering hole to swim or hike.

Let’s get physical

Utilize your lunch break as a time to get moving.  You have the time and you don’t have to go shower really quickly before getting to the office.  Let’s face it we have been on social media more now than ever so with that lets make that productive and mindful.  Find trainers that are doing Instagram lives or saving their lives to their IGTV.  There are so many fitness people offering free workouts that you can join whether that be 30-minute HITT or a full-blown 1-hour heavy hitter.  Use that time to go outside and get some Vitamin D and walk/play with your dog or kids.  The point is: You’ll never regret moving your body.


It is getting easier and easier now to simply continue to scroll on our phones. Even though we see a lot of negative media. We desperately want to be in the know and understand what is happening to see the next steps. Trust me…I know it.  Ashamed to even admit how much higher my screen time percentage has gone since quarantine.  Reduce your screen time to help improve your mood: add new activities (I’m learning to be a plant mom), again let’s get physical, read a book, journal, maybe learn to play an instrument.  The possibilities are endless so find what works for you and set that boundary #selfcare

Less Zoom / Slack Video and tap into the mindful connection

I know this sounds counter-intuitive in my last blog about how to stay connected. It feels so long ago but remember that saying, “that meeting could have been an email.”  Well, sadly that zoom conference call could also have been an email. It’s just that simple.  We have been burnt out of one of the things that are keeping us connected for the sake of staying connected.  Instead of doing an end of the week happy hour maybe do it bi-weekly or once a month.  Become more mindful of how to stay connected with clients and coworkers.

Simple: find the joy in the little things

I love my lunch dog walks and on those walks I see birds flying and singing, come across butterflies, see bright flowers, and wave hello to a stranger across the street.  We forget about the simple things because we are burnt out and trying to get to the “next BIG thing” or even “go back to normal.” Things will not be like before and we have a new normal we need to adjust to. That’s how the cookie crumbles. *cue Bruce Almighty*   It’s simple: in the midst of chaos and unknown find what brings you peace during this time,

  • pause,
  • take a deep breath,
  • and find joy in the simple things in life. 

Gratitude goes a long way.  I strongly believe that the best thing to do as we experience pandemic burnout (or any burnout really) is return to yourself. Take care and spend time with yourself. Find your center. Get away from the kids, your spouse, your parents, your pets, and just have quality time with the most important person in your life: YOU.


Source: St8mnt Blog