The Office of Disability Services

Accommodating Our Student Body


Message from the Director 

Please know that TSU and the Office of Disability Services (ODS) remain committed to our mission and the high level of service we provide to you, our registered students.  We will continue to deliver our services via face-to-face and virtually, utilizing Zoom, and Microsoft TEAMS. We are dedicated to facilitating full access and a welcoming environment for all students. ODS staff is here to serve you. Please schedule an appointment to meet with your Coordinator each semester. 

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00a - 4:30p.  To schedule an appointment with your Coordinator, please send an email (the preferred method), log into our Virtual Office, or give us a call



All academic accommodations must be approved by the Office of Disability Services. To receive academic accommodations students must self-identify and complete the intake process as well as provide the appropriate documentation (please see the documentation request forms under the picture to your right.). Students that are previously registered must keep in mind that even if a previous approved accommodation is on file, the student will need to submit a request for academic accommodations during each semester of attendance in order to continue to receive accommodations. We strongly suggest that students submit their request form for academic accommodations at the beginning of each semester. Please be advised that some courses may only be offered in an online format, either synchronous or asynchronous, which means if a student registers for an online course, the accommodations may need to be adjusted depending on the documented disability. Therefore, ODS will need to be notified as soon as possible of any modification to the course schedule. In addition, if a professor has any questions about the classroom and/or testing accommodations or how the accommodation(s) may be implemented, please ask the professor to contact ODS Coordinator for additional information.

Please know that we understand that students are likely to encounter a wide range of both positive and negative feelings during their college matriculation. Students who are experiencing feelings of being overwhelmed are strongly encouraged to contact TSU's Counseling Center and download the App for TimelyCare. Tennessee State University has partnered with TimelyCare to provide free virtual mental health support to TSU students only (NOT STAFF) through the TimelyCare platform. Students have FREE, 24/7 access to virtual care services and  do not need insurance  to access the services.  Please visit the Counseling Center website for more information. In addition to the Office of Disability Services, students have access to various academic support systems, including the Student Success Center, the Writing Center, Tiger Tutoring and P.A.S.S. Tutoring. These resources are designed to assist students in their academic pursuits.

Tennessee State University remains committed to using all resources to keep students, faculty, staff, and all visitors abreast of the latest information regarding academic delivery, campus operations, and any safety protocols.  Read the latest communications and guidance from the University.

If you have any additional questions, you may contact the
Director of Disability Services,
Dr. Anita McGaha at Contact Us .

Please stay healthy and be safe. 

Our Mission

Mission: The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students with documented impairments in order to ensure full access to the university's programs, activities, and services. ODS staff assists registered students in building skills and techniques to become effective self-advocates in order to succeed academically. ODS staff also advocate for and promote an accessible university environment for students with disabilities, as well as provides faculty support in the classroom, and assistive technology when required. 

Thus, all colleges and universities have an obligation to provide access to students with disabilities in all institutional programs and activities. This obligation is articulated in:

The Office of Disability Services' responsibilities includes coordinating university-wide services for students with documented disabilities. These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Arranging accommodations in the classrooms and activities on campus.
  • Provide training/workshops for faculty and staff to better understand the various types of issues students may encounter due to their impairment(s).
  • Addressing any accessibility issues that arise for the students.
  • Ensuring the Testing Center is available for proctoring tests when necessary.
  • Provide resources such as tutoring in select courses, studying and organizational skills, books in alternative formats, and provide assistive technology when necessary.

To register for services, the student must:

  • Be admitted to Tennessee State University through the admissions office
  • Complete the Registration Form
  • Submit documentation from a licensed medical professional
  • Meet with the ODS Coordinator for an intake interview
  • The student must provide their course schedule for each semester (ODS will notify instructors of your approved accommodations via email)


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can I just tell my Instructor I need accommodation?

No, all student accommodations must follow the Office of Disability Services process in order to obtain an approved accommodation memorandum. 

  • How do I request accommodations?

You first must be admitted to Tennessee State University.  Once admitted, you will need to complete an ODS Intake Form and meet with an ODS Coordinator.  For more details, click the link to the right on "How do I request Accommodations?"

Please see the link below for additional questions regarding post-secondary requirements:



The Office of Disability Services can help students and instructors address any questions or concerns about reasonable accommodation(s) - Contact ODS

Etiquette for working with students with disabilities:

The United Spinal Association has a publication on Tips for Interacting with People with Disabilities - general etiquette guidelines: 

Read “30 years after Americans with Disabilities Act, college students with disabilities say law is not enough” on NBC News

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), home to the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), has an extensive guide on considerations and suggested classroom practices for teaching students with disabilities:





How Do I Request Accommodations?

Register for Services (Download Intake form)

Documentation Requirements 

Faculty Information

Disability Services Manual

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