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Research Projects
- Simulating Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions of a Peatland Ecosystem Under Global Warming and Elevated CO2 at the SPRUCE Experimental Site. 9/1/2022-6/30/2025. $146,000. US Department of Energy (DOE) RDPP program (PI: D. Hui, collaborator: D. Ricciuto, ORNL).
- USDA CBG: Enhancing crop productivity and reducing nitrous oxide emissions in corn and soybean cropping systems. 6/1/2022-5/31/2025. $502,853.US Department of Agriculture (USDA) CBG Program (PI: D. Hui, Jco-PIs: Li, P. Illukpitiya, H. Tian, Collaborators: P. Fay and D. Smith, USDA-Temples, TX).
- DEB/EiR: Dynamics and controls of N2O emission in switchgrass fields under biochar and N application. 6/15/2020-5/31/2025. $499,500. National Science Foundation (NSF) DEB/EiR Program #2000058 (PI, D. Hui, Co-PIs: K. Dzantor, S. Zhou).
- IUSE: Integrating Innovative Biological Research Data into Biostatistics – Fostering STEM Interest and Retention. 9/2021-8/2025, $288,171. National Science Foundation (NSF) IUSE Program # 2117087 (PI, Qingxia Li, Fisk Uni, co-PI, D. Hui).
- USDA: Climate Smart Fiber Hemp: A versatile thread connecting the Nation's underserved farmers, climate change mitigation and novel market opportunities. Expands markets for climate-smart hemp in Tennessee and supports farmers with implementation
and monitoring of climate-smart practices. 9/12/2023-9/11/2028. $4,972,898. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) (PI: E. Omondi, Co-PIs: F. Stribling, D. Hui, J. Li. Ppartner institutes: UT Knoxville, Hemp Alliance of Tennessee, and Tennessee Dept of Agriculture). - Advancing climate-smart agriculture through nitrogen and water management in cover crop-based no-till crop production systems. $500,000. 6/1/2024-5/31/2027. USDA CBG program . PI: Resham Thapa, Co-PIs: Jason de Koff, Molaei Behnaz, Dafeng Hui, Aditya Khanal.
- Growing Future Climate-resilient Urban Forests from an ***** Perspective. $500,000. 6/1/2024-5/31/2027. USDA CBG program . PI: Yujuan Chen, Co-PIs: De’Etra Young, Jason de Koff, Dafeng Hui, Reginald Archer.
- Developing mungbean as an alternative cash crop for small and medium-sized farmers through research and outreach. 6/1/2020-5/31/2024. $496,900. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) (PI: F. Tegegne, Co-PIs: M. Blair, D. Hui, A. Khanal, E. Ekanem, P. Illukitiya).
- DEB/EiR: Mechanistic Prediction of Soil Microbial Response to Temperature Change. 6/1/2019-5/31/2024. $1,118,709. National Science Foundation (NSF) HBCU-EiR program # 1900885 (PI: J. Li, Co-PIs: J. de koff, D. Hui, S. Allison).
- Mechanistic Prediction of Soil Microbial Response to Temperature Change. and Nitrogen Application 10/1/2020-8/31/2024. $500,000. USDA Program, (PI: J. Li, Co-PIs: J. de koff, D. Hui, S. Zhou).
- TSU Seed Grant. DNDC modeling. 10/1/2022-6/30/2023. $5,000. PI.
- Faculty Participant: USDA Center of Excellence for Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, and the Environment: A Climate Smart Approach. USDA. 8/1/2022-7/31/2025, $1,920,000. (PI: Dr. Reddy, Co-PI: B. Sutton, E. Young. Faculty Participants: D. Hui and others).
- Developing the proteome network regulating structure and function of root-development of switchgrass on marginal lands. DOE Large-Scale EMSL Research. 10/1/2022-9/30/2024. ($100,000 in-kind values) (PI: S. Zhou, co-PIs: J. Li, D. Hui, S. Roy; co-I: J. Ramsey, H. Li).
- MRI: Acquisition of Gas Analyzers to Strengthen Multidisciplinary Research and Education at Tennessee State University. 10/1/2019-9/30/2022. $284,943 ($199,460+$85,384). National Science Foundation (NSF) MRI Program #1919897 (PI, D. Hui , Co-PIs: E. Dzantor, J. Li, M. Blair, D. Nandwani).
- TIP: Academic Enhancement of Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Sciences Programs at Tennessee State University. 9/1/2016-8/31/2021. $370,953. National Science Foundation (NSF) HBCU-UP Program #1623085 (PI, D. Hui, Co-PIs: T. Byl, E. Dzantor, P. Ganter).
- Responses and Adaptation of Phosphorus Acquisition and Utilization Strategies for the Dominant Subtropical Tree Species to Environmental Changes. RMB 700,000 ($100,000). 1/1/2019-12/30/2021. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (co-PIs, D. Hui . PI: Q. Deng, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences).
- IUSE: TSU Wetland Observatory -- Reforming Lab Instruction and Strengthening Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students in Biological and Environmental Sciences. 9/1/2015-8/31/2020. $167,320. National Science Foundation (NSF) DUE Program #1504886 (PI: D. Hui, Co-PIs: T. Byl, B. Sutton).
- Effects of global warming and drought on switchgrass biomass and greenhouse gas emission. 9/1/2013-8/31/2017. $299.873. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) CBG Program (PI: D. Hui, co-PIs: S. Dennis, E.K. Dzantor, T. Johnson, S. Zhou).
- Effects of biochar on switchgrass productivity and greenhouse gas emission. 10/1/2015-9/30/2018. $21,000. USDA Evans-Allen program (PI: D. Hui).
- Impacts of climate extremes on terrestrial carbon exchange. 7/1/2015-6/30/2016, $10,000, TSU Mini-grant (PI, D. Hui).
- Effects of natural warming on soil carbon dynamics and emission using a whole ecosystem shift experimental facility. 1/1/2015-12/20/2017. RMB 200,000, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Collaborative Program for Scholars in Hong Kong, Macao and Overseas (PI, D.Hui, Co-PI, D. Zhang, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences).
- Effects of amounts and seasonal patterns of precipitation on soil ecological processes in subtropical broadleaf forests, 2011-2016, RMB 3,000,000. NSFC Key Research Program (PI: W. Shen, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Co-PIs: D. Hui and others)
- Identification and modulation of functional protein association networks for drought tolerance in switchgrass. 9/1/2012-8/31/2015, $499,995. USDA CBG Program (PI: S. Zhou, Co-PIs, J. de off, D. Hui, G. Smith, F. Chen).
- Experimental and modeling study of switchgrass productivity and greenhouse gas emissions under climate change and nitrogen application. 10/01/2012-9/30/2015. $21,000. USDA Evans-Allen Program (PI: D. Hui).
- Improving Nitrogen and Water Use Efficiency to Reduce Greenhouse Gases Emission in Corn Croplands. 10/1/2011-9/30/2014. $299,930. USDA CBG program (PI: Sam O. Dennis, Co-PIs: Dafeng Hui, and Chandra Reddy. Former PI: Junming Wang.).
- Dveloping and Evaluating Sustainable Production of Eastern Gamagrass as Complementary Bioenergy Feedstock to Switchgrass. 2010-2013. $424,820. USDA CBG Program (PI: E. Dzantor, Co-PIs: D. Tyler, F. Tegegne, and D. Hui).
- URM: Enhancing Minority Undergraduate Student Research Experiences in Ecology and Environmental Science. 2009-2014. $614,520. National Science Foundation (PI: D. Hui)
- MRI: Acquisition of a Photosynthesis and Respiration System for Research and Education at Tennessee State University. 2009-2012, $66,780, National Science Foundation (PI: D. Hui; Co-PIs: Emmanuel Dzantor, Elbert Myles).
- Response of soil respiration in subtropical Chinese forests to precipitation changes. 2008-2011. RMB 300,000. NSFC (PI, D. Zhang, co-PIs. D Hui and others).
- Li-Cor Environmental Education Fund (LEEF) Grant. 2009. $40,000, Li-Cor Biosciences.
- TSU Faculty Research Award. 2008, $12,000. TSU (PI, D. Hui).
- Data-Model Fusion at AmeriFlux Sites: Towards Predictive Understanding of Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange. 2005-2008, $260,000, National Science Foundation (PI, Y. Luo, University of Oklahoma. Co-PI: D. Hui).
- Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange in Colorado Subalpine Forest: Partitioning into Causes between Climatic Variability and Functional Changes. 2003-2004, $106,000. DOE National Institute For Global Environmental Change (PI: Y. Luo, co-PI: D. Hui).
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