Cornell Lab Trip

Clean Lab

Clean Lab

A group of seven TSU students (6 undergraduate and 2 graduate students) from Plant Science, as well as Food and Environmental sciences went on a National Science Foundation funded trip to Cornell University from May 21 to May 25 with Prof. Matthew Blair as group leader for the Plant Biology joining 2 students from FAMU led by Prof. Gokhan Hacisalihoglu.  A highlight was a visit to a clean lab for Cornell Nanotechnology Fabrication to learn about micro-robots and chips that can be used in biological research, including to see if apple trees are getting enough water every minute of every day.


student names:


From right to left in

Upper row are Tamia Ramey (TSU), Zing Zengh (Cornell), Bronwen Swann (TSU), Abensiba Misiedjan (TSU), Joshua Relyea (TSU-grad),  Rachel Lawson-Rapolevich (TSU)  

Middle row are  Advisors, Dr. Gokhan Hacisalihoglu (FAMU) and Dr. Matthew W. Blair (TSU);

lower row are Rodney Donald (TSU), Gerolynn Jones (FAMU),  Zaira Adams (TSU-grad). 

Not shown Baron Hill (TSU), and Curtis Johnson (FAMU) who arrived next day.