Advisement and Forms

Your Keys for Success

Advisors monitor the academic progress of students, assist in curriculum planning, and guide students through processes such as admission to the upper-division and application for graduation.

All students majoring in the interdisciplinary track are advised by Dr. Theron Corse. Students in the Elementary Education track are advised by Deborah Bellamy.


Dr. Theron Corse (Interdisciplinary Track Advisor)
Office: Crouch Hall 406-A
Phone: 615-963-5755

Beth Christian (Elementary Education  Licensure  Track Advisor)
Office:  Clay 116
Phone: 615-963-5324

Office Supervisor

Zaheerah Smith-Cooper
Office: Crouch 408
Phone: 615-963-5755

Declaring a Major and Initial Advisement

If you are a student applying for admission to TSU, you may simply indicate your choice of major on your application. If you are already enrolled at TSU either in another major or as an "undecided" student, you may declare a major in Interdisciplinary Studies by using the university's Notification/Change of Major Form, which you should print, complete, and bring with you to your initial advisement conference. A copy of the completed form submitted to your advisor will be filed by our department with the Office of Admissions and Records.

Scheduling Advisement Conferences

  • Majors in both tracks should seek advisement at least once a semester.

  • Conferences during November and April are ideal for advisement related to early registration but students are encouraged to meet with their advisor at any time.

  • Advisors are generally available either during their office hours or by appointment. Contact either the advisor or Ms. Williams to schedule an appointment.

Curriculum Planning

Your curriculum is the series of courses required for your anticipated undergraduate degree. The curriculum includes: 
the general education core (normally completed during the freshman and sophomore years), major courses (completed for the most part during the junior and senior years), and electives (courses chosen by the student from a range of academic disciplines). You should plan your curriculum in consultation with your advisor to ensure that you take appropriate courses in the correct sequence.

In order to assist with curriculum planning, the department provides the following documents:

  • Advisement Information Sheet (Interdisciplinary track) -- this document outlines the requirements for the Interdisciplinary track, including a listing of all courses that fulfill the general education requirements
  • Advisement Worksheet (Interdisciplinary track) -- this is the document we use to determine what classes a student needs to finish the Interdisciplinary track.
  • Advisement Worksheet (Elementary Education track) -- this is the document we use to determine what classes a student needs to finish the Elementary Education track.

Applying for Graduation

Students intending to graduate in May, August, or December should complete the graduation application online at, by the deadline indicated.

Students intending to graduate should also report to their academic advisor for the purpose of confirming their senior standing and submitting a registration form for the appropriate senior exit examinations (see below).

Senior Exit Examination 

Prospective graduates must complete the university's Senior Exit Examination (Academic Profile). We recommend that students take this test the semester prior to graduation, so if you are graduating in Spring you should try to take it in the fall.This test lasts approximately one hour and is offered in the Student Center Forum at dates and times scheduled by the university's Testing Center. Students must sign up for a specific date. Registration is availbale on the testing center's website


There is no longer a Permision for Overload form. Contact the IDS office directly to request overloads. 

Forms and Documents (Quick Reference)

Notification/Change of Major

Permission to Take a Course at Another Institution

Course Substitution Form

Course Equivalency Form (not presently available online)

Request to Withdraw from Class   

Transcript Request   

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Interdiciplinary Studies