Intelligent Manufacturing Research Laboratory (IMRL)

About the Lab

IMR laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing (Mfg) Engineering offers a comprehensive graduate Manufacturing program for students that are interested to pursue a fulfilling career in Manufacturing. The Mfg program at Tennessee State University offers both two-year MS and four-year Ph.D. programs of study. The program has been established since 1997 in response to the rapidly growing need in almost every industrial sectors dealing with manufacturing of low to high tech products.



With a M.S. degree from Mfg program, students can join the manufacturing workforce from small-large industry to the government. With a Ph.D. degree from Mfg program, students have opportunity to join academia as well as high tech industries performing research and development including the government national research laboratories. Conceptually well ahead of its time, IMR program strives to remain relevant to manufacturing research, and continues to sustain the manufacturing technology needs of our industry. In this web portal, we hope you will find why IMR continues to be a valuable resource for conducting global research in manufacturing.


Thank you for your continued support. For additional information about Mfg program, we courage interested students to visit our Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering department website for more information about admission requirements to the program.

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