Masters in Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Concentration, Core Faculty

Masters and PhD Programs

Who to contact:

James Campbell James Campbell, Ph.D.  
Associate Professor MS Program Coordinator

Research Interests: 

Male gender role socialization; marriage and couple issues; children and adolescents


Office: 305B Clay Hall

Phone: (615) 963-5144


Schedule an appointment  (phone call or Zoom)

Faculty CV


Richard GarvinRichard P. Garvin Jr., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Research Interests: 

Mental Health diagnoses, Racial Identity Development, Race-Based Traumatic Stress, and Africultural Coping.


Office: 311 Clay Hall

Phone: (615) 963-7749


Schedule an appointment  (phone call or Zoom)

Faculty CV


Hammond Marie Hammond, Ph.D.  

Research Interests:

Career development of African Americans and STEM students; validation of career measures for African American students; mid-life career changes; personality and diagnosis/treatment of psychological disorders.


Office: 313 Clay Hall

Phone: (615) 963-5191


Schedule an appointment  (phone call or Zoom)

Faculty Webpage


Esther Lynch Esther M. Lynch, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor 

Research Interests

Relationship issues, integrated behavioral Health, and trauma in marginalized populations

Office:      308AA Clay Hall

Phone:     (615) 963-5152


Schedule an appointment  (phone call or Zoom)

Faculty CV



Robin Oatis-Ballew, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Ph.D. Program Coordinator

Research Interests: 

Work-life balance; professional development of women; coping and career of African American women supervisors.

Office: 305A Clay Hall

Phone: (615) 963-1558


Schedule an appointment  (phone call or Zoom)

Faculty Webpage & CV


Brooke Rappaport Brooke Rappaport
Assistant Professor

Research Interests: 

Ally/accomplice/co-conspirator development; 
intersectional feminism; multicultural and relational 
supervision and training

Office: 308DD Clay Hall

Phone: (615) 963-1569


Schedule an appointment  (phone call or Zoom)



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