Psychology Research

Students Can Gain Valuable Research Experience

Our Research

The research interests of the TSU Psychology faculty vary to include, but not limited to: 

  • neuroanatomy of the auditory system (Dr. Lisa de la Mothe),
  • human factors and perception (Dr. Joshua Shive),
  • interracial relationships (Dr. Megan Morrison),
  • racial trauma and mental health disparities (Drs. Richard Garvin, Esther Lynch),
  • sexual behavior and decision-making (Dr. John Dossett),
  • career development of African Americans in STEM (Dr. Marie Hammond),
  • issues in school counselor training (Drs. Lauren Rocha & Thurman Webb),
  • scholarship of teaching (Drs. Amy Sibulkin),
  • multicultural  and relational training (Dr. Brooke Rappaport),
  • gender (Dr. Robin Oatis-Ballew & Dr. James Campbell),
  • and other diversity issues (Dr. Mary Shelton & Dr. Joan Popkin).


Undergraduate Research

Psychology majors interested in applying for graduate school are strongly advised to gain research experience to increase their competitiveness. The undergraduate psychology curriculum provides many opportunities for conducting original research and working with faculty on their research.

Reading and Research in Psychology (PSYC 4515, -16, -17)

Enrollment in this course requires permission from the instructor.  Participation in this course enables students to be paired up with faculty in the Department of Psychology to assist them in the conduct of research.

Advanced Research Methods (PSYC 4125) & Senior Project (PSYC 4500)

This two course sequence is recommended for those majors who are interested in attending graduate school. In these two semesters, students design and conduct an original research study. Students have the opportunity to present their work at the TSU Psychology Annual Research Symposium held in the Spring.

Summer Research Experiences 

Psychology majors seeking research experience are encouraged to explore opportunities at other institutions during the summer, many of which are paid, particularly for underrepresented students. 

Graduate Student Research

Prospective applicants to our MS and PhD Programs in Counseling Psychology are encouraged to explore the research interests of core faculty in that area. Applicants who share interests with one or more faculty will be considered a better "fit," with the program, and are likely to gain more from pursuing their degree in our department. 

Students in our MS Counseling, Clinical Mental Health program have the option to volunteer on a faculty member's research team, complete an Independent Study earning course credit for this research work, and/or complete an original Thesis.

Students in our PhD Counseling Psychology program are required to join a research team and successfully propose and defend original research written in a Dissertation. Mentorship from faculty is an important part of the research skill development process. Students have the opportunity to present their work at the TSU Psychology Research Symposium help annually in April, and many present at the American Psychological Association (APA) and other national and regional conferences. 



student research



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Are you a student, professor, or other investigator conducting research from an institution other than TSU? Would you like to have TSU students and/or faculty participate in your research? We are happy to assist you with that process. TSU policy requires you to first receive approval from TSU's IRB. This will require a letter of support from a faculty member in the TSU Psychology Department. The TSU Psychology Department faculty member will assist you with uploading your research into, to allow our students to receive credit for their participation in your research.  Please note that when research volume is high, priority will be given to TSU researchers.