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Presentation Proceedings and Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentation Competition

All participants of the Research Symposium are strongly encouraged to share this and any scheduled presentation information with your advisors and co-presenter(s).

As a participant, check the final Symposium Presentation Schedule for any last minute updates by visiting, www.tnstate.edu/researchsymposium.


Student Presentation


Student Presenters must be present for their presentations, both oral and poster. All student presenters should be present five minutes prior to the time scheduled for their presentation, but will not be asked to present until their scheduled time. Fifteen (15) minutes will be allowed for Oral Presentation and ten (10) minutes will be allowed for Poster Presentation. Once the presentation, including questions and answers is completed, the previous student presenter(s) may choose to exit the room or stay if viewing the next presentation. As deemed necessary, the Session Moderator may choose to remove attendees to preserve the environment needed for presentation.  Presenters are responsible for ensuring technical functionality of any technology device required to support their presentation.

Oral Presentation sessions should be attended by at least one Session Moderator and three Session Judges.  The Session Moderator(s) will preside over the session, announcing the presentation and tracking time. Students giving an Oral Presentation must present their research and must be seen by the Session Judges for the entire time of presentation.  The talk given may be accompanied by a demonstration or media showing a particular process or information pertinent to the research being presented.  Each Oral Presentation will be given a 15 minute block with 12 minutes allowed for presentation and a three minute easement to be used at the Session Moderators discretion.  While the three minute easement will be most likely be directed toward a question and answer period with the Session Judges, any portion of it may be used for such things as technical difficulties before or during the presentation. The presentation will be judged on the following criteria:  Introduction and Background;  Content,  Organization, Knowledge  of Material; and Presentation  Delivery and Response.   

Posters should be no larger than 48" x 36", Horizontal.  This information is important as posters not sized and oriented in this way may not be able to be boarded.  Students giving a Poster Presentation must present with their poster to present the research and answer questions. Each Poster Presentation will be allowed ten minutes total time for presentation and question and answer.  The presentation will be judged on the following criteria:   Introduction and Background, Content and  Organization, Knowledge  of Material, and Presentation  Delivery and Response. (Videos providing tips for creating posters can be found here, if needed.)  All Posters should be removed no later than 12:00 PM for morning sessions and no later than 4:00 PM for afternoon sessions on the day of presentation.


Faculty and Staff Presentation

Information regarding Faculty Abstract Submissions will be forthcoming.


Please check this page for more details as the date of the symposium approaches.  Contact rcannon@tnstate.edu for any questions or concerns.