Staff Senate Committees

The following lists the current standing Staff Senate Committees. If you have suggestions for the committee, you may email the chair at the top of each committee.

Committee Purposes and Descriptions

Staff Senate Committee Listings for 2024-2025:

Bylaws and Constitution Commitee
Reginald Cannon - Chair
Lori Danley
Brittany Cosby
Janice Collins
Portia Johnson

Communication and Information Committee
Lori Danley - Chair
Andre Perry
Sean Laflin                                                                                                            

Employee Recognition & Scholarship Committee
Jaques Carr - Chair
Brittany Cosby
Travonda Davenport
Lalita Hodge
Beverly McMillion

Staff Activities Committee
Portia Johnson - Chair
Candace Brown
Courtney Evans
Janice Collins
Trina Jordan

Professional Development/Education/Scholarship Committee
Julian Pirtle - Chair
Brittany Cosby
Ashley Spry
Courtney Evans
Trina Jordan

Workplace/Campus Improvement Committee
John Burgher - Chair
Nick Guerriero
Kimberly Harris

Nominations Committee
Reginald Cannon - Chair
Candice Brown
Lori Danley
Brittany Cosby
Janice Collins
Portia Johnson

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Committee Descriptions:

Bylaws and Constitution Committee
Shall evaluate proposed amendments to the Staff Senate's Constitution and Bylaws, and revise, update, interpret and make recommendations to the senatorial body concerning amendments and revisions to the Constitution & Bylaws.

Communication and Information
This committee shall disseminate information about the Staff Senate to the University community in print and/or electronic format to include staff newsletter, and Staff Senate website, when available. Fulfill communication needs of the Staff Senate as requested by the Chair or Executive Committee. Coordinate the development of a Staff Senate newsletter, website, logo, motto, articles, etc.

Employee Recognition Committee
This committee shall be responsible for programs designed to boost morale and/or recognize employees for outstanding accomplishment in the workplace. Representatives from this committee shall work with, or become a part of any existing committees performing the same or similar functions on behalf of the University. 

Workplace Improvement Committee
This committee shall be responsible for gathering information regarding workplace improvement recommendations and/or questions that are not addressed by employee grievance policies and procedures and present same recommendations and/or questions to the Executive Committee for consideration and approval prior to submitting to the President for discussion and/or action.

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