Learning Outcomes

The student learning outcomes governing WRITE are:

  1. Students are able to distill a primary purpose into a single, compelling statement.
  2. Students are able to order major points in a reasonable and convincing manner based on that purpose.
  3. Students are able to develop their ideas using appropriate rhetorical patterns (e.g., narration, example, comparison/contrast, classification, cause/effect, and definition) in response to their specific rhetorical situation.
  4. Students are able to employ standard diction, syntax, usage, grammar, and mechanics.
  5. Students are able to manage and coordinate basic information gathered from multiple sources.

These competencies follow from:

  • The April 2000 Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition by the Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA);
  • The common communication learning outcomes, corresponding closely to the WPA statement, of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) General Education Program begun in fall 2004; and
  • A modified and narrowed list of the TBR outcomes adopted, with TBR approval, by the TSU composition faculty for its pilot of a General Education Assessment Plan (Appendix 5) beginning in 2008-2009.

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