Dr. Reynard T. McMillian



Department: Accounting
Assistant Professor
Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Non-Profit Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Tax                          

Office: Avon Williams Building K449
Phone: 615.963.7167
Email: rmcmill4@tnstate.edu

  Bio Education Courses Taught Publications and Awards

Academic Papers and Articles

Wilburn, J. & McMillian, R.T. (2012). Effects of Financial Aid Differentiation on first year
Students in private colleges in Tennessee. Tennessee Independent Colleges and
Universities Association.

McMillian, R.T. (2010). The Indispensable University. The Indispensable University:
Higher Education, economic development, and the knowledge economy, Trani and
Holsworth. International Journal of Educational Advancement, 10,115-118.

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