Dr. Reynard T. McMillian



Department: Accounting
Associate Professor
Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Non-Profit Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Tax                

Office: Avon Williams Building K449
Phone: 615.963.7167
Email: rmcmill4@tnstate.edu

Bio Education Courses Taught Publications and Awards

Reynard T. McMillian, Ed.D., C.P.A., is an accounting professional with 30 years of experience.  He has worked for General Motors, HCA and in higher education over his career.  He has held various roles, including Senior Auditor, Chief Financial Officer, Associate Vice President-Finance, and Chief Business Officer.  He holds a Bachelors degree in Accounting from Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA., a Masters in Business Administration from Tennessee State University, and a Doctorate in Higher Education Leadership Policy from Vanderbilt University.  Trea is currently licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Tennessee, and serves as Assistant Professor in the Accounting Department at Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN.

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